Whitney'ed wants to know...
"My friend is really unhealthy and it worries me. How do I go about helping her without hurting her feelings?"
If she's eating something, smack it out of her hand and say, (energetically) "That's the wrong cookie! Aaaah!"
Take her to the doctor so then she feels better.
Give them broccoli, because it's healthy and it'll make them feel better.
I just suggest healthier things for us to do. Like, instead of staying inside and playing a video game or something, I'd ask them if they wanted to go for a hike.
Subtle suggestions once in a while to your friend so you won't chase her away might help.
Get her alone. Talk to her about it. And then from there, figure out what you can do to help her.
Say, "Hi. So I just don't want you to eat unhealthy anymore. I've noticed that you've been doing that." And help her through that. Help her try to be more fit.
Sometimes her health at this point might be more important than her feelings. It's like tough love. You might have to hurt them a little bit to do what's best for them overall.
Say, "I'm here to help you. What you're going through isn't really healthy. And I'm here to help." It might also help to get other friends and family involved.
Make sure you're offering to help and not just say, "You need help." Like, make sure you're saying, "If you need anything from me, or if you want me to go with you to anything, you need me to take you somewhere..." Be supportive. Be considerate of her feelings. And make sure that you don't seem abrasive or condescending towards her feelings.