Janis Jop1n asks...
Janis Jop1n问道:
"My birthday is right before Christmas. How do I get people to get me a birthday gift AND a Christmas gift?"
THANK YOU! Thank you! People understand.
Remind them that they're two different entities.
Doesn't hurt to always hint, hint, hint. Just, "Boy, I sure wish I would get something for my birthday aaand Christmas."
Tell them explicitly, "Look, don't be-you know, don't cheap— Don't go cheap on me. Get me a birthday — I want this for my birthday, and I want this for Christmas."
If you have a birthday party, I would have it earlier, like a week earlier, so that you get birthday presents then, and you also get Christmas presents."
Make a really big deal out of your birthday and have a huge party and get people to bring you presents. And then Christmas rolls around, and you're like, "Hey, remember that thing that's today, with Jesus's birth? Give me another present."
One of my sons-his birthday is December 16. It's tough making it special, like the birthday special and the Christmas separate. Schedule a birthday party earlier than your actual birthday. And then that'll create enough space so you can celebrate both.
I would say to my family, "Could you...Could you make me feel special on my birthday like we make everybody else in the family feel special on their birthday? I'd really love that. That'd be the best Christmas present I could ever have. Oh, but by the way, don't forget to get me a Christmas present."