At the last count, 600 million of us are your friends.
根据最新数据统计 我们当中有6亿人是你的朋友
Together, you are changing the world.
But the internet you're at the centre of now uses more power than the entire nations combined.
但是你们正处于其中心的互联网 消耗的能量比所有国家产生的都多
What powers you?
Coal, the NO.1 contributor to climate change.
煤炭 导致气候变化的头号嫌犯
Facebook: unfriend coal, and help lead an energy revolution.
脸书 取关煤炭 助能源革命一臂之力
Let's keep our world, a world worth changing.
保护我们的世界 它值得变得更美好