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慢速英语短文听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第207期:上层床

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • He and his brother slept in a bunk bed.
  • 他和他的弟弟睡在一张双层床上。
  • He had the bottom bunk.
  • 他睡在下层。
  • His brother had the top bunk.
  • 他弟弟睡在上层。
  • The top bunk had a guard rail.
  • 上层有一个护栏。
  • The rail kept the sleeper safe.
  • 护栏是为了保护睡眠者的安全。
  • His brother didn't like the rail.
  • 他弟弟不喜欢那个护栏。
  • He always left it down.
  • 他经常把护栏放下来。
  • One time his brother fell out of the top bunk.
  • 有一次他弟弟从上层摔了下来。
  • He hit the carpet and woke up.
  • 他摔到地毯上,醒了过来。
  • He said, "Ouch!" Then he climbed back into the top bunk.
  • 他说“哎呀!”然后他又爬回到了上层。
  • When he woke up the next day, his back was sore.
  • 他第二天醒过来的时候,背部很酸。
  • Mom took him to see the doctor.
  • 妈妈带着他去看医生。
  • The doctor examined him.
  • 医生给他做了检查。
  • The doctor said he was okay.
  • 医生说他没事。
  • He said to keep the guard rail up.
  • 医生让他把护栏立起来。
  • His brother said he would do that.
  • 他弟弟答应了。
  • That night his brother climbed into the top bunk again.
  • 那天晚上他弟弟又爬到了上层睡。
  • He left the guard rail down.
  • 他还是把护栏放下来了。
  • He said the guard rail was like jail.
  • 他说护栏像监狱一样。
  • He didn't want to feel like he was in jail.
  • 他不想有在监狱的感觉。
  • He fell asleep.
  • 他睡着了。
  • Then he fell out of the top bunk again.
  • 然后他又从上层掉了下来。


The Top Bunk

He and his brother slept in a bunk bed. He had the bottom bunk. His brother had the top bunk. The top bunk had a guard rail. The rail kept the sleeper safe. His brother didn't like the rail. He always left it down. One time his brother fell out of the top bunk. He hit the carpet and woke up. He said, "Ouch!" Then he climbed back into the top bunk. When he woke up the next day, his back was sore. Mom took him to see the doctor. The doctor examined him. The doctor said he was okay. He said to keep the guard rail up. His brother said he would do that. That night his brother climbed into the top bunk again. He left the guard rail down. He said the guard rail was like jail. He didn't want to feel like he was in jail. He fell asleep. Then he fell out of the top bunk again.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱





