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慢速英语短文听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第191期:咳嗽而已

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The TV reporter coughed.
  • 那位电视台记者咳嗽了。
  • Then she coughed again.
  • 然后她又咳嗽了。
  • The other TV reporter was worried.
  • 另外一位记者很担心。
  • "Are you okay?" he asked.
  • 他问,“你没事吧?”
  • She couldn't answer.
  • 她没法回答。
  • She continued to cough.
  • 她还在咳嗽。
  • She coughed and coughed.
  • 她一直咳嗽。
  • The other reporter dialed 911.
  • 另一位记者拨打了911.
  • "What is the emergency?" the 911 person asked.
  • “有什么紧急情况?”911那边的人问道。
  • "I think my friend is dying," said the reporter.
  • “我觉得我的朋友快要死了,”这名记者说。
  • "What is your address?" asked the 911 person.
  • “您的地址在哪里?”911的人问。
  • "We are at 123 West Hill Street," said the reporter.
  • 记者说,“我们在西山街道123号。”
  • "Someone will be right there," said the 911 person.
  • 911的人说,“我们很快派人过去。”
  • But then the woman stopped coughing.
  • 但是那时候那个女人又不咳嗽了。
  • She said she was fine.
  • 她说她没事了。
  • She said thanks to the other reporter.
  • 她跟另一位记者税了谢谢。
  • He said, "You're welcome."
  • 他说,“不客气。”
  • He called 911 again.
  • 他又给911打了电话。
  • He said the emergency was over.
  • 他说没有紧急情况了。
  • He said his friend was okay.
  • 他说他的朋友没事。
  • She would not die.
  • 她不会死了。
  • She was going to live.
  • 她会继续活着。
  • The 911 person was glad to hear that.
  • 911人员听到这很高兴。


Just a Cough

The TV reporter coughed. Then she coughed again. The other TV reporter was worried. "Are you okay?" he asked. She couldn't answer. She continued to cough. She coughed and coughed. The other reporter dialed 911. "What is the emergency?" the 911 person asked. "I think my friend is dying," said the reporter. "What is your address?" asked the 911 person. "We are at 123 West Hill Street," said the reporter. "Someone will be right there," said the 911 person. But then the woman stopped coughing. She said she was fine. She said thanks to the other reporter. He said, "You're welcome." He called 911 again. He said the emergency was over. He said his friend was okay. She would not die. She was going to live. The 911 person was glad to hear that.







