A very careful study of these many relics has done away with some of the romantic features of the story. The makers of these early works of art and the builders of these strong fortresses were no sorcerers, but simple sailors and traders. They had lived in Crete, and on the many small islands of the Aegean Sea. They had been hardy mariners and they had turned the Aegean into a center of commerce for the exchange of goods between the highly civilised east and the slowly developing wilderness of the European mainland.
经考古学家一番详细的研究,揭开了笼罩在这些为数众多的遗迹上的神秘面纱。这些早期工艺品的制作者及巨大城堡的建筑师们并非什么魔法师,而是淳朴的水手与商人,他们曾定居在克里特岛和爱琴海的诸多小岛上。他们辛勤坚韧地工作,把爱琴海变成了一个贸易繁忙的商业中心,在高度文明的东方与蛮荒落后的欧洲之间源源不断地交 易着商品和物资。
For more than a thousand years they had maintained an island empire which had developed a very high form of art. Indeed their most important city, Cnossus, on the northern coast of Crete, had been entirely modern in its insistence upon hygiene and comfort. The palace had been properly drained and the houses had been provided with stoves and the Cnossians had been the first people to make a daily use of the hitherto unknown bathtub. The palace of their King had been famous for its winding staircases and its large banqueting hall.
这个繁荣的海岛帝国维持了 1000多年,发展出高超的工艺。其中最重要的城市克诺索斯位于克里特岛北部海岸。它在卫生条件和舒适程度方面,达到了相当现代化的水准。宫殿的排水设施精良,住宅配有取暖的火炉。另外,克诺索斯人还是历史上第一个把浴缸引入日常生活的民族。克里特国王的宫殿以其蜿蜒盘旋的楼梯和宽敞高大的宴会厅而蜚声于世。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201610/472584.shtml