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异类之不一样的成功启示录(MP3+中英字幕) 第110期:一系列暴力事件

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  • The first critical fact about Harlan is that at the same time that the Howards and the Turners were killing each other, there were almost identical clashes in other small towns up and down in the Appalachians.
  • 关于哈兰的第一个关键的事实是在同一时间,霍华德家族和特纳家族彼此杀害,在阿巴拉契亚山脉其它小城镇也到处都有几乎相同的冲突。
  • In the famous Hatfield-McCoy feud on the west Virginia-Kentucky boarder not far from Harlan, several dozen people were killed in a cycle of violence that stretched over twenty years.
  • 在着名的哈特菲尔德,西弗吉尼亚州的麦科伊矛盾,离哈兰不远的肯塔基州边境,有几十人在20年内的一系列暴力中丧生。
  • In the French-Eversole feud in Perry County, Kentucky, twelve died, six of them killed by "Bad Tom" Smith
  • 在肯塔基州,佩里县,法国Eversole争执中,有12个人死亡,"坏汤姆"史密斯杀死6人
  • a man, John Ed Pearce writes in Days of Darkness, who was "just dumb enough to be fearless, just bright enough to be dangerous, and a dead shot"
  • (约翰·爱德华·皮尔斯在黑暗的日子对他的描写:"不动声色的亡命徒,机警狡猾而危险,最终成为神枪手")。
  • The Martin-Tolliver feud, in Rowan County, Kentucky, in the mid-1880s featured three gunfights, three ambushes, and two house attacks, and ended in a two-hour gun battle involving a hundred armed men.
  • 19世纪80年代中期,肯塔基州罗文县马丁--托利弗的恩怨,有三次枪战交火,三次伏击,两次袭击对方家庭,以一次两小时涉及100来名武装人员的枪战告终。
  • The Baker-Howard feud in Clay County began in 1806 with an elk-hunting party gone bad, and didn't end until the 1930s, when a couple of Howards killed three Bakers in an ambush.
  • "贝克与霍华德"的恩怨始自1806年,多年来双方互相猎杀对方,直到20世纪30年代才结束,在最后一次伏击中,霍华德家族的一对夫妇杀死了贝克家族里的3个人。
  • And these were just the well-known feuds.
  • 而这些只是众所周知的纠纷。
  • The Kentucky legislator Harry Caudill once looked in a circuit court clerk's office in one Cumberland Plateau town and found one thousand murder indictments stretching from the end of the Civil War, in the 1860s,
  • 肯塔基州议员哈里.考迪尔有一次偶然地来到坎伯兰高原小镇的法院书记员的办公室,在那里他发现了1000起谋杀案的起诉书,时间从在19世纪60年代内战结束,
  • to the beginning of the twentieth century, and this for a region that never numbered more than fifteen thousand people and where many violent acts never even made it to the indictment stage.
  • 延续到20世纪初-在一个人口数量从未超过1.5万人的地区,在这里,许多暴力事件甚至还没有被起诉。
  • Caudill writes of a murder trial in Breathitt County, or "Bloody Breathitt," as it became to be known, that ended abruptly when the defendant's father,
  • 考迪尔写了Breathitt县一宗谋杀案的审判--或称作"血腥Breathitt",这个称呼后来众所周知-嘎然而止,当被告的父亲,
  • "a man of about fifty with huge handlebar whiskers and two immense pistols," walked up to the judge and grabbed his gavel:
  • "一个长着很浓密的八字胡,手拿两个支大手枪的五十来岁的男人",走到最高法官面前抓住他的木槌:
  • The feudist rapped the bench and announced, "Court's over and everybody can go. We aren't going to have any court here this term, folks."
  • 封建法学家轻拍椅子,并宣布:"审判已经结束了,大家可以离开了。我们在这个阶段不会再有任何案件,乡亲们。
  • The red-face judge hastily acquiesced in this extraordinary order and promptly left town.
  • "赤面法官仓促地妥协了这个非同寻常的命令,并迅速离开小镇。
  • When court convened at the next term the court and sheriff were bolstered by sixty militiamen, but by then the defendant was not available for trail. He had been slain from ambush.
  • 当法院审判下一个案件时,州长加派了六十个民兵,但被告却无法出庭,他被暗杀了。


The first critical fact about Harlan is that at the same time that the Howards and the Turners were killing each other, there were almost identical clashes in other small towns up and down in the Appalachians.

In the famous Hatfield-McCoy feud on the west Virginia-Kentucky boarder not far from Harlan, several dozen people were killed in a cycle of violence that stretched over twenty years.
In the French-Eversole feud in Perry County, Kentucky, twelve died, six of them killed by "Bad Tom" Smith
a man, John Ed Pearce writes in Days of Darkness, who was "just dumb enough to be fearless, just bright enough to be dangerous, and a dead shot"
The Martin-Tolliver feud, in Rowan County, Kentucky, in the mid-1880s featured three gunfights, three ambushes, and two house attacks, and ended in a two-hour gun battle involving a hundred armed men.
The Baker-Howard feud in Clay County began in 1806 with an elk-hunting party gone bad, and didn't end until the 1930s, when a couple of Howards killed three Bakers in an ambush.
And these were just the well-known feuds.
The Kentucky legislator Harry Caudill once looked in a circuit court clerk's office in one Cumberland Plateau town and found one thousand murder indictments stretching from the end of the Civil War, in the 1860s,
to the beginning of the twentieth century, and this for a region that never numbered more than fifteen thousand people and where many violent acts never even made it to the indictment stage.
Caudill writes of a murder trial in Breathitt County, or "Bloody Breathitt," as it became to be known, that ended abruptly when the defendant's father,
"a man of about fifty with huge handlebar whiskers and two immense pistols," walked up to the judge and grabbed his gavel:
The feudist rapped the bench and announced, "Court's over and everybody can go. We aren't going to have any court here this term, folks."
The red-face judge hastily acquiesced in this extraordinary order and promptly left town.
When court convened at the next term the court and sheriff were bolstered by sixty militiamen, but by then the defendant was not available for trail. He had been slain from ambush.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fearless ['fiəlis]


adj. 无畏的,大胆的,勇敢的

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

feud [fju:d]


n. 长期不和,争执 n. 封地 v. 长期斗争,结世仇

promptly [prɔmptli]


adv. 敏捷地,迅速地

announced [ə'naunst]



indictment [in'daitmənt]


n. 控告;起诉书

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

identical [ai'dentikəl]


adj. 相同的,同一的

immense [i'mens]


adj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的





