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呼啸山庄(MP3+中英字幕) 第50期:希斯克利夫最后一次看望凯瑟琳(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "She's dead, I know!" he called to me as I came closer.
  • “她死了,我知道!”我走近时他对我叫道。
  • "Don't cry, she doesn't need your tears! Tell me-tell me, how did-?" He tried to say her name, but could not manage it.
  • “别哭,她不稀罕你的眼泪!告诉我——告诉我,是怎么——?”他想说她的名字,但说不出来。
  • "How did she die?" he said at last, staring fiercely at me. "Don't be sorry for me, I don't want your pity!"
  • “她是怎么死的?”他最后说道,凶神恶煞般地盯着我。“别为我难过,我不需要你的怜悯!”
  • "Poor creature!" I thought. "You have a heart just like other men, but you are too proud to show it!"
  • “可怜的家伙!”我想。“你的心跟别的男人也都一样,但你的自尊心太强,不肯表现出来而已!”
  • Aloud I said, "She died quietly, in her sleep. Her life finished in a gentle dream. I hope she wakes as calmly in the other world!"
  • 我大声说,“她是在睡梦中平静地死去的。她的生命在安祥的梦中结束了。我希望她能在另一个世界同样平静地醒来!”
  • "Where are you, Catherine?" he cried in despair.
  • “你在哪儿,凯瑟琳?”他绝望地喊着。
  • "Don't leave me here, where I can't find you! I pray that you will never rest while I'm alive.
  • “别把我留在这儿,我找不到你!我祈求在我还活着的时候你永远不要安息。
  • You said I killed you-haunt me then! Murdered people do haunt their murderers, I believe.
  • 你说是我害死了你——那就来索我的命吧!我相信被害死的人会找害他们的人索命的。
  • Come back as a ghost-drive me mad-I don't care! Oh, God! I can't bear it! I cannot live without you, my soul!"
  • 变作鬼魂回来吧——把我逼疯——我不在乎!噢,上帝!我受不了啦!我活着不能没有你,我的爱人!”
  • He howled like a wild animal, and hit his forehead several times against a tree, until the wood. was covered in blood.
  • 他像一头野兽般地嗥叫着,好几次把前额撞到一棵树上,直到树干上沾满了鲜血。
  • I knew I could no longer help him, so I left him.
  • 我明白我也帮不了他,就离开了。
  • Catherine was buried the following Friday.
  • 凯瑟琳是那个礼拜五安葬的。
  • Her brother Hindley, although invited, did not come, and Isabella was not invited, so it was only Mr. Edgar and the servants who attended the ceremony.
  • 虽然请了他的哥哥亨德雷,可他没来,又没有请伊莎贝拉,所以只有艾加先生和仆人们参加了葬礼。
  • To our surprise, she was not buried in the church with the Lintons, nor with the Earnshaws.
  • 我们感到奇怪的是她没被葬在教堂林顿家人下葬的地方,也没同欧肖家的人葬在一起。
  • She lies in an open corner of the churchyard, where she can breather the air from the moors. Her husband's grave is next to hers.
  • 她躺在教堂墓地开阔的一角,她在那儿能呼吸到荒原吹来的空气。她丈夫的墓和她的相邻。


"She's dead, I know!" he called to me as I came closer. "Don't cry, she doesn't need your tears! Tell me-tell me, how did-?" He tried to say her name, but could not manage it. "How did she die?" he said at last, staring fiercely at me. "Don't be sorry for me, I don't want your pity!"

"Poor creature!" I thought. "You have a heart just like other men, but you are too proud to show it!" Aloud I said, "She died quietly, in her sleep. Her life finished in a gentle dream. I hope she wakes as calmly in the other world!" "Where are you, Catherine?" he cried in despair. "Don't leave me here, where I can't find you! I pray that you will never rest while I'm alive. You said I killed you-haunt me then! Murdered people do haunt their murderers, I believe. Come back as a ghost-drive me mad-I don't care! Oh, God! I can't bear it! I cannot live without you, my soul!"
He howled like a wild animal, and hit his forehead several times against a tree, until the wood. was covered in blood. I knew I could no longer help him, so I left him.
Catherine was buried the following Friday. Her brother Hindley, although invited, did not come, and Isabella was not invited, so it was only Mr. Edgar and the servants who attended the ceremony. To our surprise, she was not buried in the church with the Lintons, nor with the Earnshaws. She lies in an open corner of the churchyard, where she can breather the air from the moors. Her husband's grave is next to hers.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haunt [hɔ:nt]


n. 常到的地方
vt. 常到,缠住,出没(像

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望





