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化学秘密(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:前途(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 12 The future
  • 12 前途
  • Six months later, John Duncan was living in a small flat near the sea.
  • 6个月以后, 约翰住在一所靠海的小公寓里。
  • He had lost his job, and had had to sell his expensive house. He couldn't afford the payments on it.
  • 他已经失去了工作, 并且不得不卖掉昂贵的房子, 他担负不起房费。
  • From a window in his flat, he could look at the sea. He sat and looked at the cold, grey sea for hours, every day.
  • 从他公寓的窗口可以望见大海。他每天坐在窗口几小时望着那冰冷阴沉的大海。
  • Christine would have her baby soon. He had bought lots of baby clothes to give her.
  • 克里斯汀马上就要生小孩儿了。他买了好多婴儿的衣服想送给她。
  • His bedroom was full of baby clothes —little pink coats and trousers for a girl, blue ones for a boy.
  • 他的卧室里堆满了婴儿衣物——女孩穿的粉红色的小外衣、裤子, 男孩穿的蓝色衣服。
  • There were little soft toys too—teddy bears and small animals with blue, empty eyes.
  • 还有柔软的小玩具——玩具熊和嵌有蓝色毫无生气眼睛的小动物。
  • But he hadn't given any of these things to her, because she wouldn't talk to him.
  • 但是他没有把任何这些东西给她, 因为她不理他。
  • When he went to see her, she closed the door in his face; when he rang, she put the phone down; when he wrote, she sent the letters back unopened.
  • 当他去看望她时, 她当面把门关上;当他打电话时, 她挂上电话;当他写信给她时, 她原封退回。
  • There were a lot of books and magazines in his bedroom, too.
  • 他的卧室里还有很多书和杂志。
  • But he kept them under his bed. He read them sometimes at night, but he didn't like to see them during the day.
  • 但他把它们藏在床下。他有时晚上读它们, 但是他不喜欢白天见到它们。
  • They were about babies, and the diseases that babies could get, be-fore they were born.
  • 它们是关于婴儿和婴儿在出生前可能得的疾病的书。
  • There were some terrible things in the books, terrible pictures.
  • 书中有一些可怕的情景, 可怕的图片。
  • He didn't like to think about them, but he couldn't stop. He thought about them all day, all the time.
  • 他不愿去想它们, 但他止不住。他整天在想它们, 无时无刻地在想。


12 The future

12 前途
Six months later, John Duncan was living in a small flat near the sea. He had lost his job, and had had to sell his expensive house. He couldn't afford the payments on it.
6个月以后, 约翰住在一所靠海的小公寓里。他已经失去了工作, 并且不得不卖掉昂贵的房子, 他担负不起房费。
From a window in his flat, he could look at the sea. He sat and looked at the cold, grey sea for hours, every day.
Christine would have her baby soon. He had bought lots of baby clothes to give her. His bedroom was full of baby clotheslittle pink coats and trousers for a girl, blue ones for a boy. There were little soft toys tooteddy bears and small animals with blue, empty eyes.
克里斯汀马上就要生小孩儿了。他买了好多婴儿的衣服想送给她。他的卧室里堆满了婴儿衣物——女孩穿的粉红色的小外衣、裤子, 男孩穿的蓝色衣服。还有柔软的小玩具——玩具熊和嵌有蓝色毫无生气眼睛的小动物。
But he hadn't given any of these things to her, because she wouldn't talk to him. When he went to see her, she closed the door in his facewhen he rang, she put the phone downwhen he wrote, she sent the letters back unopened.
但是他没有把任何这些东西给她, 因为她不理他。当他去看望她时, 她当面把门关上;当他打电话时, 她挂上电话;当他写信给她时, 她原封退回。
There were a lot of books and magazines in his bedroom, too. But he kept them under his bed. He read them sometimes at night, but he didn't like to see them during the day. They were about babies, and the diseases that babies could get, be-fore they were born. There were some terrible things in the books, terrible pictures. He didn't like to think about them, but he couldn't stop. He thought about them all day, all the time.
他的卧室里还有很多书和杂志。但他把它们藏在床下。他有时晚上读它们, 但是他不喜欢白天见到它们。它们是关于婴儿和婴儿在出生前可能得的疾病的书。书中有一些可怕的情景, 可怕的图片。他不愿去想它们, 但他止不住。他整天在想它们, 无时无刻地在想。




