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- Things might have been worse had it not been for a splendidly improbable character named Count von Rumford,
- 要不是出了个名叫伦福德伯爵的杰出人物,情况或许还要糟糕。
- who, despite the grandeur of his title, began life in Woburn, Massachusetts, in 1753 as plain Benjamin Thompson.
- 尽管有个高贵的头衔,他本是普普通通的本杰明·汤普森,1753年生于美国马萨诸塞州
- Thompson was dashing and ambitious,"handsome in feature and figure,"
- 沃本·汤普森英俊漂亮,精力充沛,雄心勃勃,
- occasionally courageous and exceedingly bright, but untroubled by anything so inconveniencing as a scruple.
- 偶尔还非常勇敢,聪明过人,而又毫无顾忌。
- At nineteen he married a rich widow fourteen years his senior,
- 19岁那年,他娶了一位比他大14岁的有钱寡妇。
- but at the outbreak of revolution in the colonies he unwisely sided with the loyalists, for a time spying on their behalf.
- 但是,当殖民地爆发革命的时候,他愚蠢地站在保皇派一边,一度还为他们做间谍工作。
- In the fateful year of 1776, facing arrest"for lukewarmness in the cause of liberty,"
- 在灾难性的1776年,他面临以"对自由事业不够热心"的罪名而被捕的危险,
- he abandoned his wife and child and fled just ahead of a mob of anti-Royalists armed with buckets of hot tar, bags of feathers,
- 他抛弃了老婆孩子仓皇出逃——抢在一伙手提几桶热柏油和几袋鸡毛,
- and an earnest desire to adorn him with both.
- 打算用那两样东西把他打扮一下的反保皇派分子前面。
- He decamped first to England and then to Germany, where he served as a military advisor to the government of Bavaria,
- 他先逃到英国,然后来到德国,在那里担任巴伐利亚政府的军事顾问。
- so impressing the authorities that in 1791 he was named Count von Rumford of the Holy Roman Empire.
- 他深深打动了当局,1791年被授予"神圣罗马帝国伦福德伯爵"的称号。
- While in Munich, he also designed and laid out the famous park known as the English Garden.
- 在慕尼黑期间,他还设计和筹建了那个名叫英国花园的著名公园。
Things might have been worse had it not been for a splendidly improbable character named Count von Rumford, who, despite the grandeur of his title, began life in Woburn, Massachusetts, in 1753 as plain Benjamin Thompson.Thompson was dashing and ambitious, "handsome in feature and figure," occasionally courageous and exceedingly bright, but untroubled by anything so inconveniencing as a scruple. At nineteen he married a rich widow fourteen years his senior, but at the outbreak of revolution in the colonies he unwisely sided with the loyalists, for a time spying on their behalf. In the fateful year of 1776, facing arrest "for lukewarmness in the cause ofliberty," he abandoned his wife and child and fled just ahead of a mob of anti-Royalists armed with buckets of hot tar, bags of feathers, and an earnest desire to adorn him with both.

He decamped first to England and then to Germany, where he served as a military advisor to the government of Bavaria, so impressing the authorities that in 1791 he was named Count von Rumford of the Holy Roman Empire. While in Munich, he also designed and laid out the famous park known as the English Garden.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201609/465172.shtml