Acidity is a special flavor that not only affects the tongue but the nose as well.
酸是一种奇妙的味道不仅舌头能感觉到 我们的鼻子也对它十分敏感
It comes from the interaction between hydrogen ions and the taste buds.
酸味物质解离出的氢离子 在口腔中撩拨我们的味蕾 这种味觉就是酸味
Vinegar is the most common source of acidity in Chinese cuisine.
In China, vinegar is made from grains.
The taste of different vinegar can vary wildly due to the difference in raw material.
由于原料和工艺的不同 各地的醋,口味也会相差甚远
For example, the aged vinegar from Shanxi has a sharp smell,just as people in north China are outgoing.
山西老陈醋,醇厚浓郁 一如北方人的豪放
The vinegar made in south China in comparison has a different character.
而江南人的灵秀 则赋予醋以另一种性格
The Zhenjiang vinegar is known for its subtle sweetness,which makes it the perfect company for uncooked vegetables and steamed pastries.
镇江醋的最大特点在于微甜 适合调拌凉菜,蘸食小吃
The Zhenjiang locals would even pour vinegar into soup parcels.
They believe that's the most authentic way of having the snack.
Locals cannot imagine having Zhenjiang Head Cheese without vinegar or sliced ginger.
镇江人更不能想像的是 如果离开了香醋和姜丝
The dish is simply incomplete without these condiments.
肴肉究竟还能不能被称为 一道镇江名菜
A long process is needed to obtain such a savory sourness.
要获得如此美味的酸 必须经历平静漫长的等待