《白宫管家》是一部由李·丹尼尔斯执导,福里斯特·惠特克、奥普拉·温弗瑞等人主演的记录片。影片灵感源自于华盛顿邮报上的一篇文章,改编自真人真事。本片讲述了主人公尤金·艾伦 因1952年应聘食品管理员而走进白宫工作。在他任职的34年间,美国总统轮换了八位,而尤金·艾伦 最终也成为了白宫里人人尊敬的首席管家。
1. 面试
As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and other major events affect this man's life, family, and American society.
The Civil Rights Movement 民权运动
Vietnam n. 越南
2. 入职
I'm Cecil Gaines. I'm the new butler.
You hear nothing, you see nothing.
You only serve.
butler 管家
3. 一个需要保密的工作
I wanna hear all the stories. I don't know how many stories you're gonna hear because they done swore him to some kind of secret code.
swore v. 宣誓(swear的过去式)
secret code 保密协议
4. 种族问题的写照
Did you go to an all-colored school, Cecil?
I didn't go to school, Mr. President. I grew up on a cotton farm.
all-colored 不分肤色
5. 家庭冲突
Get the hell out of my house!
I'm sorry, Mr. butler. I didn't mean to make fun of a hero.
Everything you are, and everything you have, is because of the butler.
Get the hell out of 从…滚蛋
make fun of 取笑
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