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智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:寻“根”究底

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Bible's boring, everyone knows that.
  • 众所周知,《圣经》趣味性不强。
  • Phares begat Esrom and Esrom begat Aram and Aram begat Aminadab.
  • 法勒斯生希斯仑,希斯仑生亚兰,亚兰生亚米拿达。
  • When I was teaching public bible reading in our church, I made the lesson readers practice with a telephone directory, to learn how to make it interesting.
  • 我以前在教堂里教公众阅读《圣经》的时候,让学生们对着电话薄练习,尝试让课程变得有意思。
  • Suddenly entrance, ancestry has become fascinating, as anyone gripped by Britain's DNA Project on this programme yesterday will agree.
  • 大家被世系深深地吸引了,这真有些让人始料未及。但凡昨天被该项目的英国DNA计划感兴趣的人都会同意这一点。
  • Scientists believe, through mitochondrial DNA that we can now trace ourselves back to one woman,
  • 科学家相信借住线粒体DNA,我们发现自己的祖宗是一位公元19万年前的女人,
  • aptly dubbed Eve,living in Central Africa in 190000 BC,
  • 她生活在中部非洲,姑且称之为夏娃吧。
  • that nine people in the UK have the same DNA marker as the Queen of Sheba would have had, who visited King Solomon in the Book of Kings,
  • 在英国,有9个人可能与《列王记》中拜访所罗门王的示巴女王的DNA标记相同。
  • and that 90% of men called Cohen all share the same sequence, some calling themselves sons of Aaron, older brother to Moses and the first High Priest.
  • 在所有叫科恩的男性中,90%的人序列相同,他们有些自称是亚伦,摩西的兄长、首任大祭司的后代。
  • Time was when only toffs could trace their ancestry, the rest of us being too insignificant to have written records.
  • 曾几何时,只有富人才可以追溯世系,其他人无足轻重,没有任何书面记录。
  • Now, thanks to the Internet, many of us are finding our forebears, and are as proud of under-scullery-maids and transported convicts as of those who fought with the Conqueror.
  • 如今,在互联网的帮助下,很多人都可以找到自己的祖先,既为与征服者威廉一起战斗的人骄傲,也为在厨房里洗洗涮涮的婢女、被运往他乡的囚徒骄傲。
  • Recently my father gave our daughter's fiance my mother's engagement ring.
  • 近日,我爸爸把我妈妈的订婚戒指送给了我女儿的未婚夫。
  • It is apt as well as moving that she should wear it, having inherited her grandmother's sweet nature as well as her formidable brains.
  • 这件事真是又合适、又让人感动,因为我的女儿将会戴上这枚戒指,继承她祖母的美好品质、聪明的头脑。
  • It prompted me to find out more about my own ring, given to my husband by my mother Mary's sister, my dear aunt Jane.
  • 我也开始了解我自己的这枚戒指。我婆婆玛丽的妹妹,简婶婶把它交给了我丈夫,我丈夫把它戴在我的手上。
  • The last person to wear it before me was Mary Jane, my great-grandmother,
  • 上一个戴这戒指的人是玛丽·简,我们的曾祖母。
  • who emigrated from Scotland to Australia aged six and became an accomplished art student in Melbourne in the mid 19th century.
  • 她六岁时从苏格兰移民澳大利亚,19世纪中期在墨尔本成为了一名杰出的美术专业学生。
  • We have two of her beautiful paintings, and I'm even more inspired by her feminist professionalism, in such an era, than by her talent.
  • 我们收藏了两幅她的作品,十分漂亮。与其说是她的才能,不如说是她的信念激励。她在那个年代就主张女性应当有自己的职业。
  • We become the people we come from, which is why it's so right that adopted children may now trace their biological families.
  • 我们的祖先是什么样的,我们就是什么样的。这就是为什么现在领养的孩子寻找同自己有血缘关系的亲人。
  • Genealogies are there because they are not only compelling but critical.
  • 谱系摆在那儿,它不仅让人好奇,也非常重要。
  • At the weekend our nine year old and I read the thrilling Book of Ruth,
  • 周末,我们9岁的孩子和我一起读《路得记》,故事令人动容,结局出人意料。
  • ending with the bombshell that this poor displaced and desperate immigrant, became grandmother to David, the great King of the Jews. Almost, the greatest.
  • 这位贫困绝望、流离失所的移民,竟是大卫的祖母,而大卫又是犹太人的大王,可以算是最早的君王。
  • Why would one person have two different ancestries?
  • 为什么一个人会有两个祖先呢?
  • One, in Mark's gospel, is straightforward, the royal succession, king after king regardless of blood.
  • 一方面,马太的福音书直言是皇位继承,不论血脉传承皇位。
  • The other, Luke's gospel, goes backwards, tracing the hidden, biological thread, the genetic descent.
  • 另一方面,路加的福音书却倒退一步,追寻隐秘的生物联系,基因血统。
  • Both culminate with the same ordinary craftsman, living under a foreign tyrant placed on the throne by an invading power.
  • 两者都追溯到一个平凡的巧匠,他生活在一位因入侵力量而加冕的异国暴君的统治之下。
  • The rightful heir, keeping his ancestry darkly secret, a necessity to preserve his life.
  • 这位合法的继承人为了保命,不得不隐瞒自己的血统这一幽暗的秘密。
  • So the son he acknowledged, fulfilled hundreds of years of prophesy, as the true heir to King David.
  • 所以,他承认的儿子,大卫王真正的后人,完成了几百年的语言。
  • As Luke says, "the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of David, the son of Adam, the son of God."
  • 路加有言,"正是如此,约瑟的子孙,大卫的子孙,亚当的子孙,上帝的子孙。"
  • You and I may not be able to trace our ancestry quite so far back, but knowing who we are is never boring.
  • 我们也许没法把我们的族谱追得这么远,但是知道我们是谁总是一件有意思的事情。


The Bible's boring, everyone knows that. Phares begat Esrom and Esrom begat Aram and Aram begat Aminadab. When I was teaching public bible reading in our church, I made the lesson readers practice with a telephone directory, to learn how to make it interesting. Suddenly entrance, ancestry has become fascinating, as anyone gripped by Britain's DNA Project on this programme yesterday will agree. Scientists believe, through mitochondrial DNA that we can now trace ourselves back to one woman, aptly dubbed Eve, living in Central Africa in 190000 BC, that nine people in the UK have the same DNA marker as the Queen of Sheba would have had, who visited King Solomon in the Book of Kings, and that 90% of men called Cohen all share the same sequence, some calling themselves sons of Aaron, older brother to Moses and the first High Priest. Time was when only toffs could trace their ancestry, the rest of us being too insignificant to have written records.

众所周知,《圣经》趣味性不强。法勒斯生希斯仑,希斯仑生亚兰,亚兰生亚米拿达。我以前在教堂里教公众阅读《圣经》的时候,让学生们对着电话薄练习,尝试让课程变得有意思。 大家被世系深深地吸引了,这真有些让人始料未及。但凡昨天被该项目的英国DNA计划感兴趣的人都会同意这一点。科学家相信借住线粒体DNA,我们发现自己的祖宗是一位公元19万年前的女人,她生活在中部非洲,姑且称之为夏娃吧。在英国,有9个人可能与《列王记》中拜访所罗门王的示巴女王的DNA标记相同。在所有叫科恩的男性中,90%的人序列相同,他们有些自称是亚伦,摩西的兄长、首任大祭司的后代。 曾几何时,只有富人才可以追溯世系,其他人无足轻重,没有任何书面记录。

Now, thanks to the Internet, many of us are finding our forebears, and are as proud of under-scullery-maids and transported convicts as of those who fought with the Conqueror. Recently my father gave our daughter's fiance my mother's engagement ring. It is apt as well as moving that she should wear it, having inherited her grandmother's sweet nature as well as her formidable brains. It prompted me to find out more about my own ring, given to my husband by my mother Mary's sister, my dear aunt Jane. The last person to wear it before me was Mary Jane, my great-grandmother, who emigrated from Scotland to Australia aged six and became an accomplished art student in Melbourne in the mid 19th century. We have two of her beautiful paintings, and I'm even more inspired by her feminist professionalism, in such an era, than by her talent. We become the people we come from, which is why it's so right that adopted children may now trace their biological families. Genealogies are there because they are not only compelling but critical. At the weekend our nine year old and I read the thrilling Book of Ruth, ending with the bombshell that this poor displaced and desperate immigrant, became grandmother to David, the great King of the Jews. Almost, the greatest.

如今,在互联网的帮助下,很多人都可以找到自己的祖先,既为与征服者威廉一起战斗的人骄傲,也为在厨房里洗洗涮涮的婢女、被运往他乡的囚徒骄傲。 近日,我爸爸把我妈妈的订婚戒指送给了我女儿的未婚夫。这件事真是又合适、又让人感动,因为我的女儿将会戴上这枚戒指,继承她祖母的美好品质、聪明的头脑。我也开始了解我自己的这枚戒指。我婆婆玛丽的妹妹,简婶婶把它交给了我丈夫,我丈夫把它戴在我的手上。上一个戴这戒指的人是玛丽·简,我们的曾祖母。她六岁时从苏格兰移民澳大利亚,19世纪中期在墨尔本成为了一名杰出的美术专业学生。我们收藏了两幅她的作品,十分漂亮。与其说是她的才能,不如说是她的信念激励。她在那个年代就主张女性应当有自己的职业。 我们的祖先是什么样的,我们就是什么样的。这就是为什么现在领养的孩子寻找同自己有血缘关系的亲人。谱系摆在那儿,它不仅让人好奇,也非常重要。周末,我们9岁的孩子和我一起读《路得记》,故事令人动容,结局出人意料。这位贫困绝望、流离失所的移民,竟是大卫的祖母,而大卫又是犹太人的大王,可以算是最早的君王。

Why would one person have two different ancestries? One, in Mark's gospel, is straightforward, the royal succession, king after king regardless of blood. The other, Luke's gospel, goes backwards, tracing the hidden, biological thread, the genetic descent. Both culminate with the same ordinary craftsman, living under a foreign tyrant placed on the throne by an invading power. The rightful heir, keeping his ancestry darkly secret, a necessity to preserve his life. So the son he acknowledged, fulfilled hundreds of years of prophesy, as the true heir to King David. As Luke says, "the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of David, the son of Adam, the son of God."You and I may not be able to trace our ancestry quite so far back, but knowing who we are is never boring.

为什么一个人会有两个祖先呢?一方面,马太的福音书直言是皇位继承,不论血脉传承皇位。另一方面,路加的福音书却倒退一步,追寻隐秘的生物联系,基因血统。 两者都追溯到一个平凡的巧匠,他生活在一位因入侵力量而加冕的异国暴君的统治之下。这位合法的继承人为了保命,不得不隐瞒自己的血统这一幽暗的秘密。所以,他承认的儿子,大卫王真正的后人,完成了几百年的语言。路加有言,“正是如此,约瑟的子孙,大卫的子孙,亚当的子孙,上帝的子孙。” 我们也许没法把我们的族谱追得这么远,但是知道我们是谁总是一件有意思的事情。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
thread [θred]


n. 线,细丝,线索,思路,螺纹
vt. 穿线

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

sequence ['si:kwəns]


n. 顺序,连续,次序,序列,一系列

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

compelling [kəm'peliŋ]


adj. 强制的,引人注目的,令人信服的

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

ancestry ['ænsistri]


n. 祖先,家世,门第

apt [æpt]


adj. 恰当的,聪明的,易于 ... 的

necessity [ni'sesiti]


n. 需要,必需品,必然





