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- She wanted to have two babies—one boy and one girl.
- 她想生两个孩子,一个男孩一个女孩。
- She wanted to have the boy first and the girl a year later.
- 她想先生男孩,一年后再生女孩。
- That way they could grow up together.
- 他们就可以一同成长。
- He said that was okay with him.
- 丈夫说他没有问题。
- She said, "What do you mean, 'okay'?
- 她说:“什么叫没问题,
- It shouldn't be 'okay' with you.
- 你不应该没问题。
- You should say that you want two babies just as much as I do.
- 你应该和我一样心情急切,希望生两个孩子。
- If you don't want two babies as much as I do, then forget it."
- 如果你不想生两个孩子,那就算了。”
- He asked, "Forget it? You mean that we won't have two babies unless I really want to have two babies?"
- 他问道:“算了?你的意思是如果我不想生两个,我们就不会有两个孩子?”
- She said, "Yes, that's right. If you don't really want two babies, then we won't have two babies."
- 她说到:“是的。如果你不想要的话,那就没有。”
- "Okay," he said, "then let's not have two babies."
- 他说好吧,那就不要两个孩子。
- "Are you sure about that?" she asked.
- 她问道:“你确定吗?”
- He nodded his head, "Yes, I'm sure. We can't afford even one baby."
- 他点了点头。我确定,我连一个都养不起。
- "Okay," she said. "Goodbye."
- 她说好吧,再见。
- "What do you mean, 'goodbye'?" he asked.
- 他问道:“再见是什么意思?”
- She told him she was going to leave him.
- 她说她要离开他。
- She was going to find a man who wanted to have two babies with her.
- 她要找一个愿意生两个孩子的男人。
- He told her that he was just kidding—of course he really wanted to have two babies with her.
- 他说他在开玩笑,他当然希望和她生两个孩子。
- "Too late," she said. "You already told me how you really feel."
- 她说:“太晚了。你已经展露心扉了。”
She wanted to have two babies—one boy and one girl. She wanted to have the boy first and the girl a year later. That way they could grow up together. He said that was okay with him. She said, “What do you mean, ‘okay’? It shouldn’t be ‘okay’ with you. You should say that you want two babies just as much as I do. If you don’t want two babies as much as I do, then forget it.” He asked, “Forget it? You mean that we won’t have two babies unless I really want to have two babies?” She said, “Yes, that’s right. If you don’t really want two babies, then we won’t have two babies.” “Okay,” he said, “then let’s not have two babies.” “Are you sure about that?” she asked. He nodded his head, “Yes, I’m sure. We can’t afford even one baby.” “Okay,” she said. “Goodbye.” “What do you mean, ‘goodbye’?” he asked. She told him she was going to leave him. She was going to find a man who wanted to have two babies with her. He told her that he was just kidding—of course he really wanted to have two babies with her. “Too late,” she said. “You already told me how you really feel.”

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201606/450319.shtml