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万物简史(MP3+中英字幕) 第118期:势不两立的科学(15)

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Owen had grown up in Lancaster, in the north of England, where he had trained as a doctor.
  • 欧文在英格兰北部的兰开斯特长大,受过训练准备当医生。
  • He was a born anatomist and so devoted to his studies that
  • 他是个天生的解剖学家,对研究工作不遗余力,
  • he sometimes illicitly borrowed limbs, organs, and other parts from cadavers and took them home for leisurely dissection.
  • 有时候非法取下尸体上的四肢、器官和别的部位,拿回家里慢慢地解剖。
  • Once while carrying a sack containing the head of a black African sailor that he had just removed,
  • 有一回,他用麻袋搬回刚从一具非洲黑人水手的尸体上取下的头,
  • Owen slipped on a wet cobble and watched in horror as the head bounced away from him down the lane
  • 不慎绊着湿漉漉的石头滑了一跤,惊慌地望着那个头从身边一蹦一跳地顺着小巷滚去,
  • and through the open doorway of a cottage, where it came to rest in the front parlor.
  • 钻进一户人家开着的门洞里,在前厅里停了下来。
  • What the occupants had to say upon finding an unattached head rolling to a halt at their feet can only be imagined.
  • 至于那户人家的主人见到一个头滚到自己的脚边会说些什么,我们只能想像了。
  • One assumes that they had not formed any terribly advanced conclusions when,
  • 有人讲,他们还来不及搞清是怎么回事,
  • an instant later, a fraught-looking young man rushed in, wordlessly retrieved the head, and rushed out again.
  • 突然间一个焦急万分的年轻人冲进来拾起那个头,又冲了出去。
  • In 1825, aged just twenty-one, Owen moved to London and soon after was engaged by the Royal College of Surgeons
  • 1825年,欧文21岁,他搬到了伦敦,不久就被英国皇家外科学院聘用,
  • to help organize their extensive, but disordered, collections of medical and anatomical specimens.
  • 帮助清理又多又乱的医学和解剖标本。
  • Most of these had been left to the institution by John Hunter, a distinguished surgeon and tireless collector of medical curiosities,
  • 其中,大部分是杰出的外科医生、医学珍品的孜孜不倦的收藏家约翰·亨特留给这个学院的,
  • but had never been catalogued or organized,
  • 但从来没有分过类和清理过,
  • largely because the paperwork explaining the significance of each had gone missing soon after Hunter's death.
  • 很大程度上因为亨特死后不久,说明每件物品的意义的文字材料丢失了。


Owen had grown up in Lancaster, in the north of England, where he had trained as a doctor. He was a born anatomist and so devoted to his studies that he sometimes illicitly borrowed limbs, organs, and other parts from cadavers and took them home for leisurely dissection.



Once while carrying a sack containing the head of a black African sailor that he had just removed, Owen slipped on a wet cobble and watched in horror as the head bounced away from him down the lane and through the open doorway of a cottage, where it came to rest in the front parlor. What the occupants had to say upon finding an unattached head rolling to a halt at their feet can only be imagined. One assumes that they had not formed any terribly advanced conclusions when, an instant later, a fraught-looking young man rushed in, wordlessly retrieved the head, and rushed out again.


In 1825, aged just twenty-one, Owen moved to London and soon after was engaged by the Royal College of Surgeons to help organize their extensive, but disordered, collections of medical and anatomical specimens. Most of these had been left to the institution by John Hunter, a distinguished surgeon and tireless collector of medical curiosities, but had never been catalogued or organized, largely because the paperwork explaining the significance of each had gone missing soon after Hunter's death.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
hunter ['hʌntə]


n. 猎人,猎犬,猎马,搜寻者 Hunter: 亨特(姓

sailor ['seilə]


n. 海员,水手,扁平的硬边草帽

anatomical [,ænə'tɔmikəl]


adj. 解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的

distinguished [di'stiŋgwiʃt]


adj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生

extensive [iks'tensiv]


adj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

institution [.insti'tju:ʃən]


n. 机构,制度,创立

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口





