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慢速英语短文听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第136期:驾车

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • She wanted to travel.
  • 她想去旅行。
  • He asked her where she wanted to go.
  • 他问她想去哪旅游。
  • She said she wanted to just get on the road and drive for a day or two.
  • 她说只是想在公路上开一两天车。
  • She wanted to get out of the house and out of the city.
  • 她想离开居所,离开这座城市。
  • They packed a small suitcase.
  • 他们简单整理了下行李。
  • They packed their underwear, shorts, and toothbrushes, among other things.
  • 他们将内衣、短裤、牙刷等事物打包。
  • They looked at a map.
  • 他们看了地图。
  • "Should we drive into the mountains, or along the coastline?" he asked.
  • 他问道:“我们应该去山林间还是沿海岸线行驶?”
  • She said it didn't matter.
  • 她称这些不重要。
  • The next day they got up early.
  • 第二天他们一早出发。
  • They put the suitcase into the trunk.
  • 他们将行李放进后备箱。
  • He drove to a gas station and filled up the tank.
  • 他将车开到加油站,将油箱加满油。
  • He drove onto the freeway and headed west.
  • 他开上高速路,一直奔西开。
  • "So, we're going up the coast?" she asked.
  • 她问道:“我们是要沿海岸线行驶吗?”
  • Yes, he told her.
  • 是的,他之前告诉她了。
  • "Maybe we'll see some whales," she said.
  • 她说:“我们或许可以去看海豚。”
  • A half hour later, they could see the ocean.
  • 半小时后,他们看到了大海。
  • They drove north on the two-lane highway.
  • 他们在双车道高速上向北开。
  • After another hour, he pulled over.
  • 又一个小时过后,他将车停下。
  • They got out of the car and walked onto the beach.
  • 他们下车向海边走去。
  • Even though it was windy and chilly, they saw surfers in the ocean.
  • 尽管刮着海风,天气很凉,但他们在大海上看见了冲浪者。
  • They were sitting on their boards, waiting for waves.
  • 他们坐在浮板上等待海浪。
  • She was shivering.
  • 她冻得发哆嗦。
  • He put his arm around her to help keep her warm.
  • 他搂住她让她保暖。
  • She smiled at him.
  • 她冲他笑了笑。
  • "Let's continue driving," she said.
  • 她说:“我们继续行驶吧。
  • "We can pull over again when the sun is higher."
  • 等到太阳高一点时我们再将车停下。”


Take a Drive


She wanted to travel. He asked her where she wanted to go. She said she wanted to just get on the road and drive for a day or two. She wanted to get out of the house and out of the city. They packed a small suitcase. They packed their underwear, shorts, and toothbrushes, among other things. They looked at a map. “Should we drive into the mountains, or along the coastline?” he asked. She said it didn’t matter. The next day they got up early. They put the suitcase into the trunk. He drove to a gas station and filled up the tank. He drove onto the freeway and headed west. “So, we’re going up the coast?” she asked. Yes, he told her. “Maybe we’ll see some whales,” she said. A half hour later, they could see the ocean. They drove north on the two-lane highway. After another hour, he pulled over. They got out of the car and walked onto the beach. Even though it was windy and chilly, they saw surfers in the ocean. They were sitting on their boards, waiting for waves. She was shivering. He put his arm around her to help keep her warm. She smiled at him. “Let’s continue driving,” she said. “We can pull over again when the sun is higher.”




重点单词   查看全部解释    
coastline ['kəustlain]


n. 海岸线

suitcase ['su:tkeis]


n. 手提箱

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

trunk [trʌŋk]


n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱





