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世界名人故事之演员明星 第2期:Michael Douglas 迈克尔·道格拉斯

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  • 2 Michael Douglas
  • 2 迈克尔·道格拉斯
  • Michael Douglas's mom and dad divorced when Michael was 5 years old.
  • 迈克尔·道格拉斯5岁的时候,他妈妈和爸爸就离婚了。
  • Michael and his brother Joel went to live with their mom in Connecticut.
  • 迈克尔与他的哥哥约尔不得不随妈妈搬到了康涅狄格洲。
  • After graduating from Choate Rosemary Hall boy's school in Connecticut,
  • 从康涅狄格洲的柯特·罗斯玛丽男童学校毕业后,
  • Michael enrolled at the University of California at Santa Barbara and majored in drama.
  • 迈克尔就读于加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校,读戏剧专业。
  • He eventually went to the East Coast of the USA to continue his drama education at New York's American Place Theater.
  • 之后,他又到了美国东海岸,在纽约美国城市剧院继续戏剧方面的学习。
  • Michael Douglas gained early fame in "The Streets Of San Francisco" a 1970's TV show about the police.
  • 迈克尔·道格拉斯初步建立自己的名声是通过在一部70年代的电视剧《旧金山的街道》中扮演警察的角色。
  • During that time, he started producing movies and at the age of 31,produced "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest " which won 5 Oscars.
  • 那个时候他31岁,同时,他也开始尝试当电影制片人。他担任制片的电影《飞跃疯人院》曾经赢得了五项奥斯卡大奖。
  • His father, Kirk Douglas, held the film rights for "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" for years,but could not get the project off the ground.
  • 迈克尔的父亲,柯克·道格拉斯曾经一度拥有该片的拍摄权,但很长时间以来就是苦于无法把项目真正落实。
  • Michael Douglas's roommate in New York was Danny DeVito who was also in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
  • 迈克尔与纽约时的同屋室友丹尼·德维托(他也在影片《飞跃疯人院》中出任了角色)之间友谊深厚,
  • Michael Douglas and Danny DeVito's friendship stuck and they went on to make "Romancing The Stone", "Jewel Of The Nile' and "The War Of The Roses".
  • 他们二人后来也展开了合作,拍摄了一系列影片,如《绿珠宝》、《尼罗河宝石》以及《玫瑰战争》等。
  • Michael Douglas produced many films, "The China Syndrome", "Flatliners", "The Ghost and the Darkness ", "Face/Off", and "The Rainmaker".
  • 迈克尔·道格拉斯负责出品了多部电影,如《中国综合症》、《昏迷》、《鬼魂与黑暗》、《变脸》、《造雨人》等。
  • Michael Douglas is best known though for his "everyman" roles in the eighties and nineties classics such as
  • 在八十年代和九十年代,迈克尔·道格拉斯以塑造"普通人"类型的角色最为世人所知。像
  • "Fatal Attraction", "Basic Instinct", "Falling Down", and "Disclosure".
  • 他在影片《致命的诱惑》、《本能》、《竖直下降》以及《完美的谋杀》都有出色的表演。
  • Michael Douglas also played a corporate businessman in "The Game"
  • 在影片《致命游戏》中他还扮演了商场上生意人的角色,
  • and a major investor in Wall Street and took on a role to play President Andrew Shepard in "The American President ".
  • 同时,在影片《华尔街》中是主要投资人,并在《美国总统》中饰演了一位总统--安德鲁·史都华。


2 Michael Douglas

2 迈克尔•道格拉斯
Michael Douglas’s mom and dad divorced when Michael was 5 years old. Michael and his brother Joel went to live with their mom in Connecticut. After graduating from Choate Rosemary Hall boy’s school in Connecticut, Michael enrolled at the University of California at Santa Barbara and majored in drama. He eventually went to the East Coast of the USA to continue his drama education at New York’s American Place Theater.
Michael Douglas gained early fame in “The Streets Of San Francisco" a 1970’s TV show about the police. During that time, he started producing movies and at the age of 31,produced “One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest ” (which won 5 Oscars). His father, Kirk Douglas, held the film rights for “One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest” for years, but could not get the project off the ground. Michael Douglas’s roommate in New York was Danny DeVito (who was also in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest). Michael Douglas and Danny DeVito’s friendship stuck and they went on to make “Romancing The Stone”, “Jewel Of The Nile' and “The War Of The Roses”.
Michael Douglas produced many films, “The China Syndrome”, “Flatliners”, “The Ghost and the Darkness ", “Face/Off”, and “The Rainmaker”. Michael Douglas is best known though for his “everyman” roles in the eighties and nineties classics such as “Fatal Attraction”,“Basic Instinct”, “Falling Down", and “Disclosure”. Michael Douglas also played a corporate businessman in “The Game” and a major investor in Wall Street and took on a role to play President Andrew Shepard in “The American President ".
迈克尔•道格拉斯负责出品了多部电影,如《中国综合症》、《昏迷》、《鬼魂与黑暗》、《变脸》、《造雨人》等。 在八十年代和九十年代,迈克尔•道格拉斯以塑造“普通人”类型的角色最为世人所知。像他在影片《致命的诱惑》、《本能》、《竖直下降》以及《完美的谋杀》都有出色的表演。同时,在影片《华尔街》中他还扮演了商场上生意人的角色,并在《美国总统》中饰演了一位总统——安德鲁•史都华。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

disclosure [dis'kləuʒə]


n. 揭发,败露

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者

cuckoo ['kuku:]


n. 杜鹃,布谷鸟,咕咕声
n. 傻子,疯子<

fatal ['feitl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的

classics ['klæsiks]


n. 古希腊、古罗马的文学著作 名词classic的复数

syndrome ['sindrəum]


n. 综合症,典型表现

instinct ['instiŋkt]


adj. 充满的
n. 本能,天性,直觉





