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Step by Step 3000 第3册 Unit11:Welcome to China(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • B2. Now listen to the interview with the first tourist, supply the missing information.
  • Can I get your name first?
  • My name is Barbara.
  • What's your last name, Barbara?
  • Oppenheimer.
  • From Germany?
  • From Germany.
  • So this is your first time here in China?
  • Yes, it's my first time.
  • And so, your impression of the warriors?
  • It was very nice impression and I am very lucky to be here. I didn't thought it was so nice, really, I've pictures, photos and the book, and I will show all the people that they will come to China again.
  • What do you think of the entire grounds, like the overall setting here?
  • It's wonderful, really. It's very proper. The garden has very good mates, the trees, flowers... and very clean, and I didn't thought it was like this.
  • When you tell your friends back home, what sort of directions would you give them if they had a plan to come here to China? What would you recommend?
  • I think more and more German people are coming here to see. We saw a lot of other lands and America and so on. But it's really another thing to come here.
  • You tell me about it. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
  • You're welcome.


B2. Now listen to the interview with the first tourist, supply the missing information.
Can I get your name first?
My name is Barbara.
What's your last name, Barbara?
From Germany?
From Germany.
So this is your first time here in China?
Yes, it's my first time.
And so, your impression of the warriors?
It was very nice impression and I am very lucky to be here. I didn't thought it was so nice, really, I've pictures, photos and the book, and I will show all the people that they will come to China again.
What do you think of the entire grounds, like the overall setting here?
It's wonderful, really. It's very proper. The garden has very good mates, the trees, flowers... and very clean, and I didn't thought it was like this.
When you tell your friends back home, what sort of directions would you give them if they had a plan to come here to China? What would you recommend?
I think more and more German people are coming here to see. We saw a lot of other lands and America and so on. But it's really another thing to come here.
You tell me about it. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
You're welcome.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供





