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- Joe went to the doctor.
- 乔去看医生。
- He had red bites all over his body.
- 他的身上满是红叮咬。
- He had red bites on his face.
- 脸上也是。
- He had red bites on his chest.
- 胸前也是。
- He had red bites on his back.
- 后背也是。
- He had red bites on his legs.
- 腿上也是。
- But he didn't have red bites on his feet or hands.
- 但脚上和手上没有。
- "Why don't you have red bites on your feet? Why don't you have red bites on your hands?" Dr. Brown asked.
- 布朗医生问道:“脚上为什么没有?手上为什么没有?”
- "I don't know. I am the patient. You are the doctor. Why do I have red bites all over my body?" asked Joe.
- 乔问道:“我不知道。我是患者。你是医生。我的全身为什么长满了红叮咬?”
- Dr. Brown said Joe had fleas.
- 布朗医生说乔身上有跳蚤。
- "You have fleas," Dr. Brown said. "Do you have a dog?"
- 布朗说:“你身上有跳蚤。家里养狗吗?”
- Joe said he didn't have a dog.
- 乔说不养狗。
- "Then get a dog," said Dr. Brown.
- 布朗说:“那养一只狗。”
- "Why should I get a dog?" Joe asked.
- 乔问:“为什么养狗?”
- "Because then the fleas will bite the dog instead of you," said Dr. Brown.
- 布朗说:“有了狗,跳蚤不会咬你而是咬狗。”
Joe went to the doctor. He had red bites all over his body. He had red bites on his face. He had red bites on his chest. He had red bites on his back. He had red bites on his legs. But he didn’t have red bites on his feet or hands. “Why don't you have red bites on your feet? Why don't you have red bites on your hands?” Dr. Brown asked. “I don’t know. I am the patient. You are the doctor. Why do I have red bites all over my body?” asked Joe. Dr. Brown said Joe had fleas. “You have fleas,” Dr. Brown said. “Do you have a dog?” Joe said he didn't have a dog. “Then get a dog,” said Dr. Brown. “Why should I get a dog?” Joe asked. “Because then the fleas will bite the dog instead of you,” said Dr. Brown.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201603/431718.shtml