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全球社会热点新闻报道 第26期:迟到50年的婚礼

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • True love—a wedding 50 years after engagement
  • 真爱——迟到50年的婚礼
  • All good things come to those who wait childhood sweethearts John Searle and Maggie Crook proved when they wed yesterday after waiting more than 50 years to tic the kiiot.
  • 好东西都会留给那些等待的人——青梅竹马的恋人约翰塞尔和麦琪克魯克两人昨日在等待了50年后喜结连理。他们的结合很好地证明了这一点。
  • When John Searle and Maggie Crook got engaged as childhood sweethearts at the age of 18, they wouldVe never thought that it would take them half a century.
  • 当小情侣约翰_塞尔和麦琪克鲁克在18岁订婚时,他们从来没想过,这将让他们等上半个世纪。
  • Mrs. Searle was 13 when she first set eyes on John way back in 1952 in their hometown of Exmouth, Devon.
  • 1952年,13岁的塞尔太太在他们的故乡德文郡的埃克斯茅斯第一次见到了约翰。
  • The teenagers met at a life-saving club held at the popular seaside resort's long-closed seafront swimming pool.
  • 在海滨胜地的一个长期封闭的游泳池里,人们举办了一个救生俱乐部,他们在那里相遇。
  • They got engaged at 18 but spilt up before they could name the day after their careers caused them to drift apart.
  • 他们在18岁订婚,却因为各自的事业而劳燕分飞。
  • The couple, both 69, married on May 27, 2009, more than five decades after vowing to walk down the aisle.
  • 现在他们都69岁了, 2009年5月27日,他们在50年后终于步人了婚姻的殿堂。
  • The couple married at Point in View Church, near A la Ronde, in front of delighted family and friends.
  • 在阿拉龙德附近的Point in View教堂里,在髙兴的家人和朋友面前;他们喜结连理
  • But there was a last-minute hitch John had a puncture on the way to the church.
  • 但约翰在最后一分钟才搭便车赶到一他开车到教堂时煨胎了。
  • Mr. Searle, a former Royal Marine, said: "Being married to Maggie is going to be very nice. We are very happy together."
  • 前皇家海军塞尔先生说:“跟麦琪结婚会很快乐。我们很高兴能在一起。
  • "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my first true love."
  • “我迫不及待地想和我的第一个真爱共度余生。”
  • His new wife said: "It's all been very easy. We knew each other's family from before,"
  • 他的新婚妻子说:“这都非常容易。我们之前就了解彼此的家庭。”
  • "It's one of those nice relationships. It's all been veiy single and straigtforward.
  • “这是很好的关系之一。一切都非常简单和直接。
  • They sadly parted as teenagers when Mrs. Searle went to Canada to work as a nurse and Mr. Scarle carried out national service with the Royal Marines'.
  • 他们在年轻时不幸分手,当时塞尔太太前往加拿大从亊护士工作,而塞尔先生进人里家海军陆战队服役。
  • However, Mrs. Searle never forgot her childhood sweetheart, who became a salesman and married twice before he was widowed four years ago.She never married.
  • 然而,塞尔太太从来没有忘记她靑梅竹马的恋人。塞尔先生之后成为了推销员,结过两次婚,并在4年前丧偶。而她一直未婚。
  • The two of them made sure they stayed in touch over the years and they rekindled their love in 2007, reviving their wedding plans.
  • 两人多年来一直保持联系。2007年他们重新燃起爱火,恢复他们的结婚计划。
  • Mr. Searle, a father-of-four who has a home in Lincoln and family in Exmouth, said;
  • 育有4名子女的塞尔先生家住林肯,家人都在埃克斯茅斯。他说:
  • "We were at school together at Exmouth Grammar School and we had lots of common interests. "
  • “我们以前一起在埃克斯茅斯文法学校读书,我们有很多共同兴趣。”
  • Maggie was a Girl Guide and I was a Sea Scout. We were both members of St John Ambulance and in the church youth club.
  • 麦琪是女童军,我是海童军。我们都是圣约翰救伤队和教会青年俱乐部的成员。
  • We had an 18-month to two-year engagement and she went off to do her nurse training, while I did national service in the Royal Marines.
  • 我们本打算在订婚一年半至两年内结婚,但之后她去做她的护士工作,而我在皇家海军陆战队服役。
  • "I siqjpose the distance meant we drifted apart and it just sort of stopped."
  • “我想距离意味着我们会疏远,然后就是终止。”
  • He added: 'There wasn't any ill-feeling. "
  • 他补充道:“没有什么不好的感觉。”
  • "I was a bit disappointed it happened. Maggie went off to Canada nursing and, when I came out of the forces, I got a job that took me all over the country in retail.
  • “发生了这种事我有点失望。麦琪去了加拿大当护士,当我退伍后,我得到一份在全国各地跑销售的工作。
  • But we always kept in touch through Christmas cards and got back together two years ago—and we haven't looked back."
  • 不过,我们一直通过圣诞卡保持联系,并在两年前回到一起,而且我们也没有回头。”
  • They proved love can survive the test of time when they put the seal on their feelings, marrying more than five decades after the original wedding proposal.
  • 他们将感情封存,在初次预定结婚的50年后终成眷属。他们证明了爱能经受住时间的考验。


True love—a wedding 50 years after engagement

All good things come to those who wait childhood sweethearts John Searle and Maggie Crook proved when they wed yesterday after waiting more than 50 years to tic the kiiot.
When John Searle and Maggie Crook got engaged as childhood sweethearts at the age of 18, they wouldVe never thought that it would take them half a century.
Mrs. Searle was 13 when she first set eyes on John way back in 1952 in their hometown of Exmouth, Devon.
The teenagers met at a life-saving club held at the popular seaside resort’s long-closed seafront swimming pool.
They got engaged at 18 but spilt up before they could name the day after their careers caused them to drift apart.
The couple, both 69, married on May 27, 2009,more than five decades after vowing to walk down the aisle.
现在他们都69岁了, 2009年5月27日,他们在50年后终于步人了婚姻的殿堂。
The couple married at Point in View Church, near A la Ronde, in front of delighted family and friends.
在阿拉龙德附近的Point in View教堂里,在髙兴的家人和朋友面前;他们喜结连理
But there was a last-minute hitch John had a puncture on the way to the church.
Mr. Searle, a former Royal Marine, said: "Being married to Maggie is going to be very nice. We are very happy together."
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my first true love.”
His new wife said: “It’s all been very easy. We knew each other’s family from before,”
“It’s one of those nice relationships. It’s all been veiy single and straigtforward.
They sadly parted as teenagers when Mrs. Searle went to Canada to work as a nurse and Mr. Scarle carried out national service with the Royal Marines'.
However, Mrs. Searle never forgot her childhood sweetheart, who became a salesman and married twice before he was widowed four years ago.She never married.
The two of them made sure they stayed in touch over the years and they rekindled their love in 2007, reviving their wedding plans.
Mr. Searle, a father-of-four who has a home in Lincoln and family in Exmouth, said; “We were at school together at Exmouth Grammar School and we had lots of common interests. ”
Maggie was a Girl Guide and I was a Sea Scout. We were both members of St John Ambulance and in the church youth club.
We had an 18-month to two-year engagement and she went off to do her nurse training, while I did national service in the Royal Marines.
“I siqjpose the distance meant we drifted apart and it just sort of stopped.”
He added: ‘There wasn’t any ill-feeling. ”
“I was a bit disappointed it happened. Maggie went off to Canada nursing and, when I came out of the forces, I got a job that took me all over the country in retail. But we always kept in touch through Christmas cards and got back together two years ago—and we haven’t looked back.”
They proved love can survive the test of time when they put the seal on their feelings, marrying more than five decades after the original wedding proposal.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

puncture ['pʌŋktʃə]


n. 刺穿,刺孔 v. 刺穿

engagement [in'geidʒmənt]


n. 婚约,订婚,约会,约定,交战,雇用,(机器零件等)

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

drift [drift]


vi. 漂流,漂移,漂泊,吹积,偏离

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,

retail ['ri:teil]


n. 零售
vt. 零售,传述

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的





