If only the rest of the world were run like China, the global financial crisis would be over much sooner. So the governor of China's central bank, Zhou Xiaochuan, implied recently. China, he said, had responded with "prompt,decisive and effective policy measures, demonstrating its superior system advantage when it comes to making vital policy decisions". At the G-20 summit in London on Thursday April 2nd, China's President Hu Jintao sees a chance for his country to take centre stage.
Now, with the West in economic disarray, China's leaders see an opportunity if not to supplant American power, at least to start wielding a bit more of the clout that they feel they deserve given recent, rapid economic growth and the country's importance to a global recovery. Notwithstanding the enormous social stresses that China is facing at home as a result of rising unemployment, caused by an export slump, Chinese officials recently have assumed an increasingly self-confident tone when speaking to the rest of the world.
随着日前西方经济陷入混乱,中国领导人看到了一个机会。近来这个国家经济的快速增长以及对于全球复苏的重要性令他们感 到自己理应得到如此良机,即使不能撼动强大的美国,至少也能施加更多的影响。由于出口萧条造成的失业率上升,中国国内正面临着巨大的社会压力,但即便如此,中国官员们越发向其他国家发出自信的声音。
Mr. Zhou had some advice for Western governments. They should give powers to ministries of finance and central banks "to use extraordinary means to contain systemic risk". This, he said, would allow them to "act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process." China has avoided any such difficulties with its 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus package announced in November. Officials have provided only the barest of details of this. The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted.

In another article, Mr. Zhou suggested the creation of a new international reserve currency, managed by the IMF, to replace the dollar. Western officials have given that a lukewarm response, but there has been greater interest in China's proposals for a restructuring of voting rights at the IMF to allow developing nations more say. With almost $2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves, China is seen by Western countries as a big potential lender to the IMF, and thus to countries in need of financial rescue.
在另外一篇文章中,周小川提议建立一种由国际货币基金组织管理的新型国际储备货币以取代美元。对此,西方官员反映平淡,但对中国提出要求国际货币基金组织重新规划选举权,让发展中国家 得到更多话语权的建议产生了较大兴趣。由于持有近2万亿美元外汇储备,中国被西方国家视作国际货币基金组织和那些需要财政援助国家的潜在债主。
China, however, is still reluctant to stick its neck out far. It has not made public any detailed plans for IMF reform. Neither has it made explicit whether or how any lending by China would be conditional on such changes. In an article in the Times on March 27th, Wang Qishan, a deputy prime minister, said that it was "neither realistic nor fair to set the scale of contribution simply by the size of foreign-exchange reserves". But he did not offer a sum.
然而,中国仍不愿冒太大的风险。对于国际货币基金组织的改革,中国并没有发表任何公开的细节。也没有明确表示一旦国际货币基金组织同意它所提出的改革条件,它将是否或怎样提供贷款。中国副总理王岐山发表于3月27日《泰晤士报》的文章指出:“仅通过外汇储备规模来决定捐款 数量,这既不现实也不公平”。但他没有提供中国捐款总数。
China remains wary of its own economic predicament. Although the goal remains to achieve 8% GDP growth this year, this would still be slow by the double-digit standards of much of this decade. The World Bank predicts 6.5% growth. Even Mr. Zhou sounded a note of caution. Asked whether China's economic slowdown had ended he told reporters on March 28th, during a visit to Colombia, that it was "still uncertain". The answer, he said, depended on whether the global financial crisis had yet "reached bottom".
As China Daily, a state-owned English-language newspaper, put it, "what China is going to do is be seen and be heard" at the G-20. President Hu will bask in the limelight of his first meeting with President Obama on the sidelines of the London summit and do little to brush off comment that it is really a "G-2" of China and America that counts most.