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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi, everybody.
  • 大家好!
  • On Tuesday, I gave my final State of the Union Address.
  • 周二我发表了最后一次国情咨文演讲。
  • And a focus was this:
  • 其中重点就是:
  • how do we make the new economy work better for everyone, not just those at the top?
  • 我们如何保证在新经济环境下,更好的让每个人都从发展中受益,而不仅仅是社会顶层的少数人?
  • After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're in the midst of the longest streak of private-sector job growth in our history.
  • 在经历我们此生遭遇的最严重的经济危机之后,我们正处在私有经济发展最良好的历史窗口期中。
  • More than 14 million new jobs.
  • 新增就业岗位超过1400万个。
  • An unemployment rate cut in half.
  • 失业率也下降了一半。
  • At the same time, our economy continues to go through profound changes that began long before the Great Recession hit.
  • 与此同时,我们的经济也正在经历深刻的变革,这一变革远在大萧条之前就已经开始。
  • It's changed to the point where even when folks have jobs;
  • 这种变革就在于,即便人们有了工作,
  • even when the economy is growing; it's harder for hardworking families to pull themselves out of poverty, harder for young people to start out on their careers, and tougher for workers to retire when they want to.
  • 即便经济一直在不断发展, 对工薪家庭而言,要靠他们自身的力量摆脱贫困越来越难,年轻人想要找到一份好工作也越来越难,劳动者想要体面退休也变得越来越难。
  • That's a big part of the reason a lot of working families are feeling anxious.
  • 这正是大量工薪家庭越来越焦虑的主要原因所在。
  • And it offends our fundamentally American belief that everybody who works hard should be able to get ahead.
  • 这种情绪侵蚀了美国人民坚定的信念:即每个辛勤付出的人都可以获得成功。
  • That's why we've been fighting so hard to give families more opportunity and more security-by working to create more good jobs, invest in our middle class, and help working people get a raise.
  • 正因如此,我们一直在努力,给每个家庭更多机会,更多保障。努力为大家提供更多工作机会,对中产阶级进行投资,提高工薪人员工资。
  • It's what the Affordable Care Act is all about-filling in the gaps in employer-based care so that when somebody loses a job, or goes back to school, or starts that new business, they still have health care.
  • 这也正是《平价医保法》所做的事情,弥补雇主提供的保障留下的空缺,这样即便你失业了,或重返学校进修了,或者开办了新的公司,依然可以享受医疗保险。
  • And it's why I believe we've got to take steps to modernize our unemployment insurance system.
  • 因此,我相信,我们需要采取措施,完善失业保险体制。
  • If a hardworking American loses her job, regardless of what state she lives in, we should make sure she can get unemployment insurance and some help to retrain for her next job.
  • 如果一位辛勤工作的人失去了工作,无论她住在哪个州,我们都应该确保他可以拿到失业保险,以及获得为寻找新工作的职业培训。
  • If she's been unemployed for a while, we should reach out to her and connect her with career counseling.
  • 如果她失业有一段时间了,我们应该找到她,联系她,为她做一些职业咨询。
  • And if she finds a new job that doesn't pay as much as her old one, we should offer some wage insurance that helps her pay her bills.
  • 如果她找到了一份工作,但工资没有以前的工作工资高,我们应该为她提供工资保险,让她可以支付日常账单。
  • Under my plan, experienced workers who now make less than $50,000 could replace half of their lost wages-up to $10,000 over two years.
  • 按照我的计划,业务熟练的劳动者,如果年收入低于5万元,可以得到换工作产生的损失工资一半的收入补偿,最高可以达到两年10万元。
  • It's a way to give families some stability and encourage folks to rejoin the workforce-because we shouldn't just be talking about unemployment;
  • 通过这种方式,可以让众多家庭的经济基础更稳定,并鼓励人们重新参加工作,
  • we should be talking about re-employment.
  • 因为我们不能只是讨论失业率,我们还应该讨论讨论再就业率。
  • That's when America works best-when everyone has opportunity;
  • 这是美国最好的状态,人人都有机会,
  • when everyone has some security;
  • 人人都有保障,
  • and when everyone can contribute to this country we love.
  • 人人都可以为我们深爱的国家做出贡献。
  • That's how we make sure that hardworking families can get ahead.
  • 这样,我们就可以确保辛勤付出的工薪家庭可以取得成功。
  • And that's what I'll be fighting for with every last day of my presidency.
  • 这也是我们在总统任上将持续为之奋斗的任务。
  • Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend.
  • 谢谢大家,周末愉快!


Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, I gave my final State of the Union Address. And a focus was this: how do we make the new economy work better for everyone, not just those at the top?

After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're in the midst of the longest streak of private-sector job growth in our history. More than 14 million new jobs. An unemployment rate cut in half. At the same time, our economy continues to go through profound changes that began long before the Great Recession hit. It's changed to the point where even when folks have jobs; even when the economy is growing; it's harder for hardworking families to pull themselves out of poverty, harder for young people to start out on their careers, and tougher for workers to retire when they want to.
That's a big part of the reason a lot of working families are feeling anxious. And it offends our fundamentally American belief that everybody who works hard should be able to get ahead.
That's why we've been fighting so hard to give families more opportunity and more security-by working to create more good jobs, invest in our middle class, and help working people get a raise. It's what the Affordable Care Act is all about-filling in the gaps in employer-based care so that when somebody loses a job, or goes back to school, or starts that new business, they still have health care. And it's why I believe we've got to take steps to modernize our unemployment insurance system.
If a hardworking American loses her job, regardless of what state she lives in, we should make sure she can get unemployment insurance and some help to retrain for her next job. If she's been unemployed for a while, we should reach out to her and connect her with career counseling. And if she finds a new job that doesn't pay as much as her old one, we should offer some wage insurance that helps her pay her bills. Under my plan, experienced workers who now make less than $50,000 could replace half of their lost wages-up to $10,000 over two years. It's a way to give families some stability and encourage folks to rejoin the workforce-because we shouldn't just be talking about unemployment; we should be talking about re-employment.
That's when America works best-when everyone has opportunity; when everyone has some security; and when everyone can contribute to this country we love. That's how we make sure that hardworking families can get ahead. And that's what I'll be fighting for with every last day of my presidency.
Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
affordable [ə'fɔ:dəbl]


adj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

streak [stri:k]


n. 条理,斑纹,倾向,少许,痕迹
v. 加条

contribute [kən'tribju:t]


vt. 捐助,投稿
vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的





