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智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第14期:财富公平

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I'm hesitant here to quote anyone from the Bible because recently when I mentioned a saying of Jesus someone objected that he had never run anything in his life.
  • 我有点不敢引经据典,最近我引用了一段耶稣的话,有人就反对了,说耶稣这辈子啥也没干。
  • The same's true of St Paul.But writing to the well-off in the city of Corinth about helping the poor in Jerusalem,
  • 圣保罗也是。为了帮助耶路撒冷的穷苦大众,
  • Paul said, It's a question of a fair balance between your abundance and their need,
  • 圣保罗给科林斯地区的有钱人写信道:既然你们现在富足,就应该帮助那些贫穷的人,
  • as it is written :the one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little.
  • 正如圣经所说:多收的,没有余;少收的,没有缺。
  • On this programme I've listened to debates about fairness.
  • 在这个节目里我听到过一些关于公平的辩论,
  • They always seem pretty inconclusive. Some might say that it's all relative.
  • 但基本没什么结论,有人说这些都是相对的。
  • And maybe they're right for it's in the relationship between abundance and poverty that fairness is to be found.
  • 也许他们说的对,因为公平只有在富足和贫穷的互动中才能被发现。
  • It's only when we come face to face with other people's need that we then know when we have too much.
  • 只有当我们面对别人的需求时才能发现自己拥有的太多了。
  • So let the creators of wealth walk the streets of the poor in search of that fair balance.
  • 就让那些财富创造者们穿行于穷街陋巷寻找公平吧。
  • Perhaps that's what Lord Heseltine was looking for when he walked the streets of Toxteth.
  • 也许这才是Heseltine爵士在Toxteth的大街小巷寻找的东西。


I'm hesitant here to quote anyone from the Bible because recently when I mentioned a saying of Jesus someone objected that he had never run anything in his life. The same's true of St Paul. But writing to the well-off in the city of Corinth about helping the poor in Jerusalem, Paul said, It's a question of a fair balance between your abundance and their need, as it is written 'the one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little.On this programme I've listened to debates about fairness. They always seem pretty inconclusive. Some might say that it's all relative. And maybe they're right for it's in the relationship between abundance and poverty that fairness is to be found. It's only when we come face to face with other people's need that we then know when we have too much. So let the creators of wealth walk the streets of the poor in search of that fair balance. Perhaps that's what Lord Heseltine was looking for when he walked the streets of Toxteth.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fairness ['fɛənis]


n. 公平,公正

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

inconclusive [.inkən'klu:siv]


adj. 非决定性,不确定的,不得要领的

hesitant ['hezitənt]


adj. 迟疑的,犹豫不定的

poverty ['pɔvəti]


n. 贫困,贫乏

abundance [ə'bʌndəns]


n. 丰富,充裕





