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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统回顾2015年 祝福全国人民节日快乐

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi, everybody.
  • 大家好!
  • It's the most wonderful time of the year.
  • 这是每年最激动人心的时刻。
  • Not just for spreading holiday cheer-but also for list makers.
  • 不仅是欢度节日的时间,也是回顾展望的时间。
  • You've got wish lists; Santa's list; and of course, a blizzard of year-in-review lists.
  • 大家列出愿望清单,圣诞礼物清单,当然,还有一大堆全年回顾的清单。
  • So I decided to get in on the action.
  • 因此,我也决定加入到这样的活动之中。
  • As a nation, we face big challenges.
  • 作为国家而言,我们面临巨大的挑战。
  • But in the spirit of 2015 retiree David Letterman, here-in no particular order-are my top 10 things that happened in 2015 that should make every American optimistic about 2016.
  • 但本着退休的大卫?莱特曼的娱乐精神,我在此列出2015年对我而言的十件大事,排名不分先后,与大家共享,共同展望2016年的美好明天。
  • Number ten: The economy.
  • 第10名:经济向好,
  • Over the past 12 months, our businesses have created 2.5 million new jobs.
  • 过去的一年里,我们的企业共创造了250万个就业岗位。
  • In all, they've added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth.
  • 创下了过去连续69个月共新增1370万个就业岗位的记录。
  • And the unemployment rate has fallen to 5 percent-the lowest it's been in almost eight years.
  • 失业率下降至5个百分点,这是8年来的最低值。
  • Number nine: More Americans are getting health coverage.
  • 第9名:有医疗保险保障的美国人越来越多。
  • The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever.
  • 美国人的未参保率首次下降到10%以内。
  • In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect.
  • 随着《平价医保法》的实施,有1760万人获得医保保障,而且人数还在增加。
  • And don't forget, you can still sign up through January 31st at
  • 请大家别忘了,1月31日以前,你都可以登录网站,注册登记。
  • Number eight: America's global leadership on climate change.
  • 第8名:美国领导全球治理气候变化。
  • Last week, in Paris, nearly 200 countries came together to set the course for a low-carbon future.
  • 上周,在巴黎,将近200多个国家共聚一堂,共同描绘未来的低碳蓝图。
  • And it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world.
  • 而这一目标的达成,正是因为有了美国在清洁能源领域的领先地位,以及在全世界的外交努力,才成为现实。
  • Number seven: Progress in the Americas.
  • 第7名:美洲的外交进步。
  • We turned the page on an outdated, half-century old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans.
  • 我们与古巴重建外交关系,互设使馆,翻开了半个多世纪来对古巴过时陈旧政策的新篇章,在美国人民和古巴人民之间建设更紧密的联系。
  • Number six: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
  • 第6名:防止核扩散进展显著。
  • We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
  • 我们与伊朗成功达成一项严格的协议,防止其获得核武器。
  • In fact, Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium.
  • 实际上,伊朗已经拆除了数千台用于铀浓缩的离心机。
  • Number five: Standing strong against terrorism.
  • 第5名:反恐步伐更坚决。
  • Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever.
  • 尽管我们依然为圣贝纳迪诺的袭击惨剧伤心不已,但我们正在领导全球联盟共同打击ISIL。
  • In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization.
  • 在叙利亚和伊拉克,ISIL正在丢城失地,不把这个恐怖组织消灭干净我们是不会善罢甘休的。
  • Number four: A 21st century trade deal that makes sure our businesses can sell goods "Made in America" across the Asia-Pacific.
  • 第4名:面向21世纪的新贸易协定达成,让我们的企业可以将美国制造的产品买到亚太国家。
  • The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history.
  • 《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》是有史以来最强大,最有利于工人,最有利于环境的贸易协定。
  • And it means that America-not China, not anyone else-will write the rules of the global economy for the century ahead.
  • 这也意味着,将由美国,而不是中国或其他国家,制定未来全球经济发展的新规则。
  • Number three: A pair of Christmas miracles in Washington!
  • 第3名:圣诞节华盛顿双喜临门。
  • This week, Congress passed a bipartisan budget that invests in middle-class priorities, keeps our military the strongest in the world, and takes the threat of shutdowns and manufactured crises off the table for 2016.
  • 本周,过会通过了两党认可的预算,加大对中产阶级的投资,保持我们在全球最强大的军力,消除了2016年政府关门的威胁以及制造业面临的危机。
  • Plus, I signed a bipartisan education bill into law to help our students graduate prepared for college and their future careers.
  • 此外,我签署了两党通过的教育法案,帮助我国的学生为大学和未来的职业生涯做好准备。
  • Number two: Love won.
  • 第2名:爱情最伟大。
  • No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love, because the freedom to marry is now the law in all fifty states.
  • 无论你是谁,这里是美国,你有与你所爱的人结婚的自由,因为婚姻自由现在已经在50个州都得到立法认可。
  • And the number one reason I'm optimistic going into 2016:It's you—the American people.
  • 最后,2016年,我对未来充满信心的最重要的原因就是你们,美国人民。
  • All of this progress is because of you—because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done, and entrepreneurs starting new businesses.
  • 所有这些成就的取得都是因为有了你们,因为有了辛勤的工人挽起袖子努力工作,有企业家开办新的企业。
  • Because of teachers and health workers and parents—all of us taking care of each other.
  • 因为有了老师、医疗工作者、父母,我们所有人都彼此关爱。
  • Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all.
  • 因为有了我们英勇的将士,一直在保卫着我们。
  • Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do.
  • 因为只要我们团结起来,就没有我们做不成的事情。
  • That's why it's has been a good year.
  • 正因如此,今年是美好的一年。
  • And it's why I'm confident we'll keep achieving big things in the New Year.
  • 正因如此,我信心满满,新的一年我们定将取得更大的成就。
  • So happy holidays, everybody.
  • 祝大家节日快乐!


Hi, everybody.It's the most wonderful time of the year.Not just for spreading holiday cheer-but also for list makers.You've got wish lists; Santa's list; and of course, a blizzard of year-in-review lists.So I decided to get in on the action.

As a nation, we face big challenges.But in the spirit of 2015 retiree David Letterman, here-in no particular order-are my top 10 things that happened in 2015 that should make every American optimistic about 2016.
Number ten: The economy.Over the past 12 months, our businesses have created 2.5 million new jobs.In all, they've added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth.And the unemployment rate has fallen to 5 percent-the lowest it's been in almost eight years.
Number nine: More Americans are getting health coverage.The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever.In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect.And don't forget, you can still sign up through January 31st at
Number eight: America's global leadership on climate change.Last week, in Paris, nearly 200 countries came together to set the course for a low-carbon future.And it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world.
Number seven: Progress in the Americas.We turned the page on an outdated, half-century old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans.
Number six: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. In fact, Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium.
Number five: Standing strong against terrorism. Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we're leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever. In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we're not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization.
Number four: A 21st century trade deal that makes sure our businesses can sell goods “Made in America” across the Asia-Pacific. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history.And it means that America-not China, not anyone else-will write the rules of the global economy for the century ahead.
Number three: A pair of Christmas miracles in Washington! This week, Congress passed a bipartisan budget that invests in middle-class priorities, keeps our military the strongest in the world, and takes the threat of shutdowns and manufactured crises off the table for 2016.Plus, I signed a bipartisan education bill into law to help our students graduate prepared for college and their future careers.
Number two: Love won.No matter who you are, here in America, you're free to marry the person you love, because the freedom to marry is now the law in all fifty states.
And the number one reason I'm optimistic going into 2016: It's you—the American people.All of this progress is because of you—because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done, and entrepreneurs starting new businesses. Because of teachers and health workers and parents—all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we're united as Americans, there's nothing that we cannot do.
That's why it's has been a good year.And it's why I'm confident we'll keep achieving big things in the New Year.So happy holidays, everybody.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

streak [stri:k]


n. 条理,斑纹,倾向,少许,痕迹
v. 加条

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik]


adj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

blizzard ['blizəd]


n. 暴风雪 n. 暴雪 极负盛名的美国游戏软件制作公司

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的





