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Step by Step 3000 第3册 Unit1:News Report(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • B. Keywords. emergency meeting, cycle of violence, get back to the negotiating table.
  • Vocabulary. cast a dissenting vote, abstain, high-profile, consensus, genocide.
  • UN Human Rights Commission, Bosnian, Rwanda, East Timor.
  • Now listen to the second news report, complete the news summary and briefly answer the questions you hear.
  • 48 of the 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting.
  • The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained.
  • Three other countries did not vote.
  • The Special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than 3 days.
  • UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of the violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped.
  • "When you have such a high-profile for a war crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region.
  • There is a fear and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue.
  • Because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."
  • Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation, and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.
  • Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.
  • This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation.
  • Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian War, the genocide in Rwanda and the violence in East timor.
  • Questions.
  • 1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?
  • 2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?
  • 3. How many of them didn't vote?
  • 4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?
  • 5. Which country abstained?
  • 6. When will the meeting begin?
  • 7. How long will it last?
  • 8. What's the purpose of this meeting?
  • 9. How many emergency meetings have been held by the UN Human Rights Commission before this one?
  • What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?


B. Keywords.

emergency meeting, cycle of violence, get back to the negotiating table.


cast a dissenting vote, abstain, high-profile, consensus, genocide.

UN Human Rights Commission, Bosnian, Rwanda, East Timor.
Now listen to the second news report, complete the news summary and briefly answer the questions you hear.
48 of the 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting.
The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained.
Three other countries did not vote.
The Special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than 3 days.
UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of the violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped.
"When you have such a high-profile for a war crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region.
There is a fear and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue.
Because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."
Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation, and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.
Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.
This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation.
Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian War, the genocide in Rwanda and the violence in East timor.
1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?
2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?
3. How many of them didn't vote?
4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?
5. Which country abstained?
6. When will the meeting begin?
7. How long will it last?
8. What's the purpose of this meeting?
9. How many emergency meetings have been held by the UN Human Rights Commission before this one?
10.What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

consensus [kən'sensəs]


n. 共识,一致,合意
n. [生理]交感

summary ['sʌməri]


n. 摘要
adj. 概要的,简略的

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

abstain [əb'stein]


v. 自制,戒绝

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

volatile ['vɔlətail]


adj. 挥发性的,反复无常的,易变的,易爆的 n. 挥

dissenting [di'sentiŋ]


adj. 不同意的 动词dissent的现在分词形式

agenda [ə'dʒendə]


n. 议事日程





