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幸福是一种态度(MP3+中英字幕) 第34期:酿酒也疯狂(上)

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Brewer's Son
  • 酿酒也疯狂
  • When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could to dissuade me from becoming a brewer.
  • 在青少年时期,父亲就极力告诫我,将来不要做一个酿酒人。
  • He'd spent his life brewing beer for local breweries, barely making a living, as had his father and grandfather before him.
  • 因为,他一辈子就像他父亲及祖父一样,仅仅是为了谋生,专为当地的啤酒厂酿造啤酒。
  • He didn't want me anywhere near a vat of beer.
  • 他甚至不许我靠近啤酒桶半步。
  • So I did as he asked.
  • 因此我也就按他的意愿做了。
  • I got good grades, went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that allowed me to study law and business simultaneously.
  • 我以优异的成绩考取了哈佛大学,并于1971年获得了继续在那里攻读研究生课程的机会,得以同时学习法律和商业专业。
  • In my second year of grad school, I had something of an epiphany I've never done anything but go to school.
  • 在读研究生二年级时,我似乎有一种顿悟的感觉,我想除了上学以外,我什么也没有做过。
  • I thought, and I'm getting pressured to make a career choice for the rest of my life. That's stupid.
  • 我感到有一种压力迫使我为今后的人生道路作出事业的选择。我真傻。
  • The future was closing in on me a lot earlier than I wanted.
  • 未来早已向我逼近,比我预期的要早得多。
  • So, at 24, I decided to drop out. Obviously, my parents didn't think this was a great idea.
  • 所以在24岁时,我决定退学。显然,父母并不认为这是什么好主意。
  • But I felt strongly that you can't wait till you're 65 to do what you want in life. You have to go for it.
  • 但我强烈地意识到,人不能等到65岁才去做想要做的事。你得自己去寻找。
  • I packed my stuff into a U-Haul and headed to Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound, the wilderness-education program.
  • 我打点起行囊,把它们装进一辆小面包车内,便上路向科罗拉多进发,去作一名野外训练项目教练。
  • The job was a good fit for me. Heavily into mountaineering and rock climbing,
  • 这工作的确很适合我。大量地登山、攀岩,
  • I lived and climbed everywhere, from crags outside Seattle to volcanoes in Mexico.
  • 从西雅图周围的峭壁到墨西哥的火山,到处都留下了我生活和登攀的身影。
  • I never regretted taking time to "find myself".
  • 我从未因花费时间去“寻找自我”而后悔。
  • I think we'd all be a lot better off if we could take off five years in our 20s to decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives.
  • 我觉得如果人们能在20岁左右的时候,拿出五年时间去决定自己今后想要做什么,那可能会更快乐一些。


The Brewer's Son


When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could to dissuade me from becoming a brewer. He'd spent his life brewing beer for local breweries, barely making a living, as had his father and grandfather before him. He didn't want me anywhere near a vat of beer.


So I did as he asked. I got good grades, went to Harvard and in 1971 was accepted into a graduate program there that allowed me to study law and business simultaneously.


In my second year of grad school, I had something of an epiphany I've never done anything but go to school. I thought, and I'm getting pressured to make a career choice for the rest of my life. That's stupid. The future was closing in on me a lot earlier than I wanted.

So, at 24, I decided to drop out. Obviously, my parents didn't think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that you can't wait till you're 65 to do what you want in life. You have to go for it.
I packed my stuff into a U-Haul and headed to Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound, the wilderness-education program. The job was a good fit for me. Heavily into mountaineering and rock climbing, I lived and climbed everywhere, from crags outside Seattle to volcanoes in Mexico.
I never regretted taking time to "find myself". I think we'd all be a lot better off if we could take off five years in our 20s to decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli]


adv. 同时地(联立地)

dissuade [di'sweid]


vt. 劝阻





