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幸福是一种态度(MP3+中英字幕) 第26期:通往广场的路不止一条(中)

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then one day I met a friend who was wearing a very beautiful sweater. It was plain in color, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch.
  • 后来有一天,我遇到一位朋友,她穿着一件非常好看的毛线衫,毛线衫的色彩平淡,但是针法却可爱、别致。
  • "Did you knit that sweater?" I asked her.
  • 我问她:“毛线衫是你织的吗?”
  • "No," she answered. "It was done by a woman here in Paris."
  • 她回答:“不,是巴黎的一位妇女织的。”
  • "What an interesting stitch!" I continued.
  • “针法真棒!”我又说。
  • My friend had an explanation. "The woman her name is Mrs. Vidian—told me she learned the stitch in Armenia, her native country."
  • 朋友解释说:“这位妇女叫维迪安太太,她跟我说她是在她出生地亚美尼亚学的这种织法。”
  • Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater. Then an even more daring idea came to me.
  • 突然,我想在这件毛线衫上织出一个大胆的图案,继而一个更为大胆的设想闪现在我的脑海里。
  • Why not open my own house of fashion? Why not design, make and sell clothes from the house of Schiaparelli!
  • 为什么不开办自己的时装店呢?为什么不设计、制作和销售斯基亚帕雷利时装店的服装呢?
  • I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater.
  • 我要这样做,而且要从毛线衫开始。
  • I drew a bold black and white butterfly pattern and took it to Mrs. Vidian. She knitted it into a sweater.
  • 我画了一个醒目的黑白相间的蝴蝶图案,把它交给维迪安太太,她把这个图案织到了一件毛线衫上。
  • The result, I thought, was wonderful. Then came the test.
  • 我认为这件成品很漂亮,接着就是对它的检验。
  • I wore the sweater to a luncheon which people in the fashion business would attend.
  • 我穿上毛线衫,来到一个时装界人士参加的午餐会,
  • To my great pleasure, the sweater was noticed.
  • 令我十分高兴的是,毛线衫引起了众人的注意。
  • In fact, the representative of a large New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks.
  • 事实上,纽约一家大商店的代理商想在两周内得到40件这样的毛线衫。
  • I accepted the order and walked out on a cloud of happiness.
  • 我接受了他的订货,兴高采烈地走出了餐厅。
  • My cloud disappeared suddenly, however, when I stood in front of Mrs. Vidian.
  • 然而当我站在维迪安太太面前时,喜悦之情就一扫而光了。
  • "But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater," she said. "Forty sweaters in two weeks? It is not possible!"
  • 她说:“我几乎用一周才织完这样一件毛线衫,两周织40件是不可能的!”
  • I was crushed to be so close to success and then to be blocked!
  • 我非常失望,离成功仅有半步之遥,竟又被迎头堵住了!
  • Sadly I walked away. All at once I stopped short. There must be another way.
  • 我悲伤地走出维迪安太太的家,突然停下了脚步,一定有别的办法可以办到。
  • This stitch did take special skill.
  • 这种针法确实需要特殊的技巧,
  • But surely there must be other Armenian women in Paris who knew how to do it.
  • 然而在巴黎一定还有其他亚美尼亚妇女会这种针法。
  • I went back to Mrs. Vidian and explained my plan.
  • 我回到维迪安太太的家,向她讲述了我的计划。
  • She really didn't think it would work, but she agreed to help.
  • 她真的认为这个计划行不通,但同意帮我的忙。


Then one day I met a friend who was wearing a very beautiful sweater. It was plain in color, but it had a lovely and unusual stitch.

"Did you knit that sweater?" I asked her.
"No," she answered. "It was done by a woman here in Paris."
"What an interesting stitch!" I continued.
My friend had an explanation. "The woman her name is Mrs. Vidiantold me she learned the stitch in Armenia, her native country."


Suddenly I pictured a daring design knitted into such a sweater. Then an even more daring idea came to me. Why not open my own house of fashion? Why not design, make and sell clothes from the house of Schiaparelli! I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater.

I drew a bold black and white butterfly pattern and took it to Mrs. Vidian. She knitted it into a sweater. The result, I thought, was wonderful. Then came the test. I wore the sweater to a luncheon which people in the fashion business would attend. To my great pleasure, the sweater was noticed. In fact, the representative of a large New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks. I accepted the order and walked out on a cloud of happiness.
My cloud disappeared suddenly, however, when I stood in front of Mrs. Vidian. "But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater," she said. "Forty sweaters in two weeks? It is not possible!"
I was crushed to be so close to success and then to be blocked! Sadly I walked away. All at once I stopped short. There must be another way. This stitch did take special skill. But surely there must be other Armenian women in Paris who knew how to do it.
I went back to Mrs. Vidian and explained my plan. She really didn't think it would work, but she agreed to help.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bold [bəuld]


adj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的

pattern ['pætən]


n. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型
v. 以图案

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

knit [nit]


vt. 编织,密接,结合,皱眉
vi. 编织,

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

butterfly ['bʌtəflai]


n. 蝴蝶,蝶状物,蝶泳
vt. (烹饪时把鱼

stitch [stitʃ]


n. 一针,疼痛,碎布条
v. 缝合

representative [repri'zentətiv]


adj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的
n. 代

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的





