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  • When Zarathustra had said this to his heart, he put the corpse upon his shoulders and set out on his way.
  • 当查拉图斯特拉用发自肺腑的情感说完这些话的时候,他把那个尸体扛在了自己的肩膀上,然后就上路了。
  • Yet had he not gone a hundred steps, when there stole a man up to him and whispered in his ear -- and lo! he that spake was the buffoon from the tower.
  • 然而,当他还没有走出一百步的时候,一个人趁机溜到了他的身边,并且在他的耳边说起了悄悄话 -- 瞧呀!说话的那个人居然是那个塔里面的小丑。
  • "Leave this town, O Zarathustra," said he, "there are too many here who hate thee.
  • “啊!查拉图斯特拉,你快点离开这个城镇吧,”他说道,“这里有太多痛恨你的人了。
  • The good and just hate thee, and call thee their enemy and despiser; the believers in the orthodox belief hate thee, and call thee a danger to the multitude.
  • 善意和公正痛恨你,他们把你看做是他们的敌人以及被轻视的对象;那些尊崇正统观念的信仰者痛恨你,并且称呼你为人们的危险分子。
  • It was thy good fortune to be laughed at: and verily thou spakest like a buffoon.
  • 人们嘲笑你,那是你的幸运:你说话的样子真的特别像一个小丑。
  • It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humiliating thyself thou hast saved thy life to-day.
  • 你把自己和这条死狗联系在一起是你的幸运;通过自取其辱,你今天捡回了一条命。
  • Depart, however, from this town, or tomorrow I shall jump over thee, a living man over a dead one."
  • 但是,不管怎么样,你都离开这个村子吧!要不然,到了明天,我这个活生生的人就要跨过这个死人了。”
  • And when he had said this, the buffoon vanished; Zarathustra, however, went on through the dark streets.
  • 当他说完这些话的时候,那个小丑消失了;然而,查拉图斯特拉依旧在黑暗的街道上行走。
  • At the gate of the town the grave-diggers met him: they shone their torch on his face, and, recognising Zarathustra, they sorely derided him.
  • 在小镇的大门边上,他遇到了一群挖掘坟墓的人;他们用手中的火炬照亮了他的脸,然后,他们认出了那个人就是查拉图斯特拉,他们开始疯狂地嘲笑他。
  • "Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!
  • “查拉图斯特拉正在搬运一条死狗;真了不起,查拉图斯特拉要化身为掘坟者了!
  • For our hands are too cleanly for that roast. Will Zarathustra steal the bite from the devil?
  • 我们的双手太干净了,没法埋葬这条死狗。查拉图斯特拉会有偷走恶魔的食物的想法吗?
  • Well then, good luck to the repast! If only the devil is not a better thief than Zarathustra! he will steal them both, he will eat them both!"
  • 去吧,希望你在就餐的时候,能有好运气,只要恶魔不是一个比查拉图斯特拉更加优秀的小偷就行!他或许会把两个一起偷走,吃掉!”
  • And they laughed among themselves, and put their heads together.
  • 他们并着头,哈哈大笑了起来。
  • Zarathustra made no answer thereto, but went on his way.
  • 然后,查拉图斯特拉并没有做出任何反应,而是继续朝着他的路前行。
  • When he had gone on for two hours, past forests and swamps, he had heard too much of the hungry howling of the wolves, and he himself became hungry.
  • 当他走了两个小时以后,他穿过了森林以及沼泽,他多次听见饥饿的野狼在嚎叫,但是,他自己也变得饥饿难耐。
  • So he halted at a lonely house in which a light was burning.
  • 所以,他在一处孤零零的、里面有亮光的房子前面停了下来。
  • "Hunger attacketh me," said Zarathustra, "like a robber. Among forests and swamps my hunger attacketh me, and late in the night.
  • “饥饿难耐正在袭击我,”查拉图斯特拉说道,“它就像个强盗。在森林和沼泽之中,在幽静的夜晚之中,饥饿在袭击我。”
  • "Strange humours hath my hunger. Often it cometh to me only after a repast, and all day it hath failed to come: where hath it been?"
  • “在我的饥饿中拥有一些稀奇古怪的幽默。在通常的情况之下,我只有在就餐完毕之后,才会有这样的特征,然而一整天过去了,这样的特征一直都没有出现:那么,它们都到哪里去了呢?”
  • And thereupon Zarathustra knocked at the door of the house.
  • 因此,查拉图斯特拉叩响了这所房子的门。
  • An old man appeared, who carried a light, and asked: "Who cometh unto me and my bad sleep?"
  • 一个老人出现在了查拉图斯特拉的面前,他手里拿着一盏灯,问道:“到底是谁过来拜访我,进入到我的噩梦之中呢?”
  • "A living man and a dead one," said Zarathustra. "Give me something to eat and drink, I forgot it during the day. He that feedeth the hungry refresheth his own soul, saith wisdom."
  • “一个活人还有一个死人,”查拉图斯特拉说道,“给我一些吃的东西和水,白天我忘记了要带这些东西。智慧说,喂饱饥饿的人,也同样会安慰自己的灵魂。”
  • The old man withdrew, but came back immediately and offered Zarathustra bread and wine.
  • 那位老人回屋了,但是他很快就从里面出来了,并且给了查拉图斯特拉一些面包和酒水。
  • "A bad country for the hungry," said he; "that is why I live here. Animal and man come unto me, the anchorite. But bid thy companion eat and drink also, he is wearier than thou."
  • “这个地方可不会对饥饿者友善,”他说道,“这就是为什么我会住在这里。无论是动物还是人类都会过来找我这个隐士。但是,你让你的同伴也吃点东西,喝点水吧。他看上去似乎要比你还疲倦。”
  • Zarathustra answered: "My companion is dead; I shall hardly be able to persuade him to eat."
  • 查拉图斯特拉回答道:“我的同伴死了;我实在没有办法说服他吃东西。”
  • "That doth not concern me," said the old man sullenly; "he that knocketh at my door must take what I offer him. Eat, and fare ye well!"
  • “这跟我一点关系都没有,”那位老人用阴沉的语气说道:“他只要敲了我的门,就必须吃掉我给他提供的东西。吃吧!祝你们一路顺风!”
  • Thereafter Zarathustra again went on for two hours, trusting to the path and the light of the stars: for he was an experienced night-walker, and liked to look into the face of all that slept.
  • 随后,查拉图斯特拉借着星光与路又走了两个小时,他是一位不折不扣的夜间行走爱好者,经验丰富。他喜欢观察一切处于沉睡状态的面孔。
  • When the morning dawned, however, Zarathustra found himself in a thick forest, and no path was any longer visible.
  • 然而,当太阳升起的时候,查拉图斯特拉发现他正处在一片茂密的森林之中,在他的面前再也没有任何一条可见的道路了。
  • He then put the dead man in a hollow tree at his head -- for he wanted to protect him from the wolves -- and laid himself down on the ground and moss.
  • 于是,他把那个尸体放在了和他的脑袋等高的一个中空的树干里--因为他想要保护那个死人免受饿狼的袭击--之后,他便躺在了地上的苔藓里。
  • And immediately he fell asleep, tired in body, but with a tranquil soul.
  • 很快,他就睡着了,他已经精疲力竭了,但是他的灵魂却是如此的宁静。


When Zarathustra had said this to his heart, he put the corpse upon his shoulders and set out on his way.

Yet had he not gone a hundred steps, when there stole a man up to him and whispered in his ear -- and lo! he that spake was the buffoon from the tower.
然而,当他还没有走出一百步的时候,一个人趁机溜到了他的身边,并且在他的耳边说起了悄悄话 -- 瞧呀!说话的那个人居然是那个塔里面的小丑。
"Leave this town, O Zarathustra," said he, "there are too many here who hate thee.
The good and just hate thee, and call thee their enemy and despiser; the believers in the orthodox belief hate thee, and call thee a danger to the multitude.
It was thy good fortune to be laughed at: and verily thou spakest like a buffoon.
It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humiliating thyself thou hast saved thy life to-day.
Depart, however, from this town, or tomorrow I shall jump over thee, a living man over a dead one."
And when he had said this, the buffoon vanished; Zarathustra, however, went on through the dark streets.
At the gate of the town the grave-diggers met him: they shone their torch on his face, and, recognising Zarathustra, they sorely derided him.
"Zarathustra is carrying away the dead dog: a fine thing that Zarathustra hath turned a grave-digger!
For our hands are too cleanly for that roast. Will Zarathustra steal the bite from the devil?
Well then, good luck to the repast! If only the devil is not a better thief than Zarathustra! he will steal them both, he will eat them both!"
And they laughed among themselves, and put their heads together.
Zarathustra made no answer thereto, but went on his way.


When he had gone on for two hours, past forests and swamps, he had heard too much of the hungry howling of the wolves, and he himself became hungry.

So he halted at a lonely house in which a light was burning.
"Hunger attacketh me," said Zarathustra, "like a robber. Among forests and swamps my hunger attacketh me, and late in the night.
"Strange humours hath my hunger. Often it cometh to me only after a repast, and all day it hath failed to come: where hath it been?"
And thereupon Zarathustra knocked at the door of the house.
An old man appeared, who carried a light, and asked: "Who cometh unto me and my bad sleep?"
"A living man and a dead one," said Zarathustra. "Give me something to eat and drink, I forgot it during the day. He that feedeth the hungry refresheth his own soul, saith wisdom."
The old man withdrew, but came back immediately and offered Zarathustra bread and wine.
"A bad country for the hungry," said he; "that is why I live here. Animal and man come unto me, the anchorite. But bid thy companion eat and drink also, he is wearier than thou."
Zarathustra answered: "My companion is dead; I shall hardly be able to persuade him to eat."
"That doth not concern me," said the old man sullenly; "he that knocketh at my door must take what I offer him. Eat, and fare ye well!"
Thereafter Zarathustra again went on for two hours, trusting to the path and the light of the stars: for he was an experienced night-walker, and liked to look into the face of all that slept.
When the morning dawned, however, Zarathustra found himself in a thick forest, and no path was any longer visible.
He then put the dead man in a hollow tree at his head -- for he wanted to protect him from the wolves -- and laid himself down on the ground and moss.
And immediately he fell asleep, tired in body, but with a tranquil soul.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
germ [dʒə:m]


n. 微生物,细菌,胚芽
n. 萌芽,起

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

contemptible [kən'temptəbl]


adj. 可鄙的,可轻视的

contempt [kən'tempt]


n. 轻视,轻蔑

lofty ['lɔfti]


adj. 高的,高超的,傲慢的

despise [di'spaiz]


vt. 轻视

despicable ['despikəbl]


adj. 可鄙的,卑劣的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

longing ['lɔŋiŋ]


n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决





