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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第34期:page74-page81

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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What does she see?

One thousand dollars.

The money is in her hand.

It was in the hat.

Where was the hat?

It was on the table.

What did she see.

She saw the hat.

She did not see the money.

She put the hat in the other room.

John went there and got it.

Who got it?

John did.

Does she see the money now?

Yes,she sees it.

Oh John! Where did you get it?

Page: 75

I was in the street.

I was coming here.

The wind came.

It took my hat off.

I went after my hat.

When I took it up,there was this money.

Page: 76

The money was under the hat.

The hat was over the money.

The wind came.

My hat went up.

When the wind came,my hat went up.

The hat came down again.

It was over the money.

The money was under the hat.

Page: 77

What is Mary doing?

She is taking things from a drawer.

What are those things in the drawer?

They are knives,forks and spoons.

knife fork spoon

The drawer has knives,forks and spoons in it.

Mary has a knife,a fork and a spoon in her right hand.

She took them from the drawer.

She will put them on the table.

These are drawers.

One of them is open.

The other two drawers are shut.

Page: 78

Mary is getting the soup.

These are plates of soup.

John is taking the seats to the table.

Mary is in her seat at the table.

John is in his seat.

They are in their seats at the table.

Page: 79

Now they are taking their soup.

They have their spoons in their hands.

John is saying to Mary,"I took the hat up."

Mary is saying to John,"Where did the money come from?"

John said,"I saw it there under the hat."

Mary said,"But who put it there?"

John said,"Nobody put it there. The money was there and the wind came and put the hat down over the money."

Page: 80

What will you do with our money?

What will you do?

I will get a new dress.

This dress is new.

This dress is old.

And what will you get?

I will get a new pipe.

This pipe is new.

This pipe is old.

Page: 81

Mary is getting the new dress.

She is in the store.

The other woman has two dresses in her hands.

This is the store.

Dresses and hats and shoes are in the window of the store.

These are shoes.

They are women's shoes.

These are stockings.

These are gloves.

Dresses and stockings and shoes and gloves are clothing.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoon [spu:n]


n. 匙,调羹,匙状物
vt. 以匙舀起

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人





