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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第24期:page20-page21练习

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Page 20


a. What are these?

They are shoes.

What is this boy doing?

He is putting his shoes on his feet.

b. What are these?

They are shirts.

What is the man doing?

He is putting his things in his bag.

c. What are these?

They are toothpaste and toothbrush.

What is the girl doing?

She is brushing her teeth.

d. What is this?

It is soap.

What is the woman doing?

She is washing her hands.

Page 21


a. On page 13, where did Mr.Smith get his ticket?

He got his ticket at the ticket office in the station.

b. How much was the ticket?

The ticket was $841.80.

c. How long was the journey to Los Angeles?

The journey was four days long.

d. Did he go in an airplane?

No, he did not go in an airplane, he went in a train.

e. What did his friends say to him when they saw him?

They said,"Did you have a good journey?"

f. What did he say on the card which he sent to Mrs. Smith?

He said,"I had a good journey and will send you a long letter tomorrow. Love. John"

g. What are Tom and Jane learning at school?

They are learning reading and writing at school.

h. What did Mrs.Smith send to Mr.Smith from Tom and Jane?

She sent love from Tom and Jane.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
soap [səup]


n. 肥皂
vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承

toothpaste ['tu:θpeist]


n. 牙膏





