应聘面试。我们将学习全程英文与雇主交谈,并着重回答两个雇主的提问,“你能细致讲讲你在上一家公司的经历吗?” “是什么吸引你来我们公司应聘呢?” 如何像一个专业人士一样,谈吐有点有面,不卑不亢又做足功课,给你的面试加分。离职解雇。当老板突然告知你被炒,你如何与老板据理力争,说清原委。此段对话也适用于负责人事管理的在职人员。
Dialogue 1:
(Jingjing is invited for her first interview with the HR department of alarge software company)
Xiao Gao: Thank you for coming, Jingjing, I've run through your resume and I've got a few questions to ask you.
Jingjing: Yes, of course.
Xiao Gao: I'm sure that the prerequisites for this position include 2years experience developing business software. You come off strong in that area, could you elaborate a little about your experiences with your previous employer?
Jingjing: Well, as I've mentioned, I left that company early as they were starting to cut corners and that was affecting the quality of our work.
Xiao Gao: So you want to find an organization that holds promise for you in the long run?
Jingjing: Yes, I've got my eye on the big picture and my previous employer's policy was coming to be at odds with where I want to go with my career.
Xiao Gao: What is the attraction in possibly working for our organization?
Jingjing: I've got to say that I'm drawn to the quality of your products and services, and your reputation precedes you.
Xiao Gao: It's a mean business and customer service is what sets us apart. Even internally, we operate quite differently from other companies. The onus is on teamwork and collective production.
Jingjing: I know, your HR policies are a benchmark in the industry,something I'd like to learn more about.
1. run through = 检验,浏览
2. prerequisites = 前提条件
3. come off strong = 在某方面做得非常好
4. cut corners = 削减开支,偷工减料
5. in the long run = 长远地
6. the big picture = 全局,远景
7. at odds = 矛盾地
8. reputation precedes (someone) = 声名远扬的,在见到某人之前就已经听过他的好名声
9. a mean business = 残忍的、不道德的运作模式;不规范的运作模式
10. sets us apart = 使某人某事不同于其他同类
11. onus = 职责和责任
12. benchmark = 标准,标杆