At the Media Lab, Negroponte and other scientists are experimenting with the future. Pattie Maes, an expert in artificial intelligence, is trying to build some working "intelligent agents." (At a recent Media Lab conference, an ac-tor dressed as a butler tool. the stage, playing the part of an agent. That's interactive humor. ) In one program, Maes has created four "icons" on the computer screen representing agents with specific marching orders. For example, one dressed in a business suit seeks out business news. Al-though the agents are initially programmed, they actually learn by watching their master's preferences. She thinks that one day, agents may even communicate with agents from other users: "Let's say both you and I like the same movie reviews. Our agents could get together and deter-mine that we also had other interests in common. ” (Imagine the conversation: "Have I got a compatible user for you!")
在麻省理工学院媒介实验室里,尼格罗邦特和其他科学家正对未来的需要进行着实验研究工作。人工智能研究专家帕蒂米斯正致力于研制一种有实用价值的"智能型助手"。(在最近一次媒介实验室科学研讨会上,一个演员打扮成男管家,扮演智能助手的角色上台演出,这是相互作用式的幽默。)在一道程序中,米斯在计算机屏幕上创造出了四个人像,分别代表四个智能助手机器人而各有其具体的分工程序。比如,其中一个穿工作套服的智能助手机器人就负责搜寻业务信息。尽管这些机器人开始是编了程序的,但它们后来却可以通过观察主人的爱好来学到知识。她认为,终有一天,不同的用户使用的智能助手机器人之间能够互相进行交流:"假如说你我两人都欣赏同样的电影评论,我们的智能助手机器人见面交谈后就会查知我们还有别的共同点。"(想一想这样的对话1 47该是多有意思:"我可为你物色到一个好用户了吧!")
Maes and others concede that there's a dark side to all these bright dreams. Who will protect the privacy of consumers whose shopping, viewing and recreational habits are all fed into one cable-phone company data bank? And where there are agents, can counteragents be far behind: spies who might like to keep tabs on the activities of your electronic butlers? "Advertising companies see my presentations and get very excited," says Maes. Indeed, intelligent agents could be a gold mine of information. Advertisers aren't the only ones who could abuse the network if they were able to tap into it. The government could electronically spy on individuals; bosses could track employees.