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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第20期:page140-page148

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Page: 140

Good weather.

The day is bright.

The air is warm.

The sky is blue.

They are happy.

Bad weather.

The wind is blowing.

The rain falling.

It is cold.

It is wet.

They are unhappy.

Bright is the opposite of dark.

Warm is the opposite of cold.

White is the opposite of black.

What is the opposite of dry?

What is the opposite of happy?


Page: 141

Which of these is a high building?

What is the other?

What is the opposite of narrow?

Is this street narrow?

Up is the opposite of down.

In is the opposite of out.

To is the opposite of from.

Pleasure is the opposite of pain.

Page: 142

Beautiful things give us pleasure.

When she sees herself in the glass, she sees that she is beautiful.

That gives her pleasure.

When I say that she is beautiful,that gives her pleasure.

You are beautiful.

There is a smile on her face now.

Why is the smile there?

It is there because she has a feeling of pleasure.

Her pleasure is the cause of her smile.

She is saying to herself, "I am beautiful."

She is saying to herself that she is beautiful.

A smile does not make a sound.

A laugh makes a sound.

A laugh is a smile with a sound.

Page: 143

This is a great painting by Leonardo.

Its name is the Mona Lisa.

The picture is beautiful.

That is certain.

Was the woman beautiful?

Was Lisa herself beautiful?

That is not certain.

I have my idea of that.

He has his idea.

She had her idea.

We may have different ideas of how beautiful that woman was.

There is no measure of the beautiful.

Page: 144

She may or may not be beautiful.

But it is certain that she has a smile on her lips.

That is certain.

It is not certain that she is beautiful.


Two and two are equal to four.

That is certain.


Two and two are not equal to five.

That is certain.

It is certain that 2+2=4.

a is equal to b,and b is equal to c, and c is equal to d.

So a is equal to d.

Things which are equal to the same things are equal to one another.

Things which are not like one another may be equal or they may not.

These two are like one another but they are not equal.

Page: 145

A smile is like a laugh.

But a laugh makes a sound.

This girl is laughing.

She is happy.

She has a fall.

She gives a cry.

Now she is crying.

She is not laughing now.

She is crying.


Because she gave her knee a blow in her fall.

This is her knee.

She was on her feet.

Then she was on her face.

She had a fall.

The fall was the cause of the blow to her knee.

The blow was cause of the pain in her knee.

And the pain in her was the cause of her crying.

Page: 146

Pleasure and pain are feelings.

We have feelings of pleasure and pain.

Here are some pleasures.

He is on the sand at the seaside,

looking at and hearing the sound of the waves and warming himself in the sun.

These are pleasures.

Now he is taking a swim in the sea.

He is swimming through the waves.

He is a good swimmer.

To a good swimmer, swimming is a pleasure.

Now he is resting in the sun again after his swim.

After the water the sun on his skin is a pleasure to him.

Page: 147

Pleasure and pain are feelings.

When we put our fingers on things we have feelings-feelings of touch or of heat and cold.

But this is another use of the word "feeling."

The man is feeling the bit of wood with his fingers.

Is it rough or is it smooth?

This is rough.

This is smooth.

Things which give us pleasure have an attraction for us.

But it is not the same sort of attraction as the attraction between the earth and the moon.

Our feeling of this attraction is named "desire."

When we have pleasure we have a desire for the pleasure to go on and go on...

Time goes on.

The hands of the clock go on.

Our feelings may or may not go on.

Page: 148

Some desires are stronger than others.

This baby sees the cat and he sees his ball.

The cat has an attraction for him.

He has a desire for the cat.

His ball has an attraction for him.

He has a desire for the ball.

Which will he go to?

If his desire for cat is stronger than his desire for the ball,

he will go to the cat.

He went to the cat.

His desire for the cat was stronger.

All our desires are for things which seem good to us.

They may not be good.

Our ideas of them may be wrong.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可





