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权利的游戏 第459期:第三十章 提利昂(3)

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  • Kill him, hissed some drunken slattern from the back, and other voices took up the call, faster than he would have believed.
  • 宰了他。身后一个喝醉的妓女说,接着其他人也同声附和,速度快得使他不敢相信。
  • Strangers all, friendly enough only a moment ago, and yet now they cried for his blood like hounds on a trail.
  • 大家素昧平生,刚才还颇为友善,如今竟像紧咬不放的嗜血猎犬般要他偿命。
  • Tyrion spoke up loudly, trying to keep the quaver from his voice.If Lady Stark believes I have some crime to answer for,I will go with her and answer for it.
  • 提利昂提高音量,一边努力掩饰声音里的颤抖:假如史塔克夫人认定我要为某些罪行负责,那我很乐意跟她去好好解释。
  • It was the only possible course.Trying to cut their way out of this was a sure invitation to an early grave.
  • 这是惟一的办法。试图杀出重围无异自掘坟墓。
  • A good dozen swords had responded to the Stark woman's plea for help:
  • 有十来个人应那史塔克女人的请求拔了剑:
  • the Harrenhal man, the three Brackens, a pair of unsavory sellswords who looked as though they'd kill him as soon as spit,
  • 那名赫伦堡的武士,三个布雷肯家的人,还有两个一副吐口痰就可以把他干掉模样的讨厌佣兵,
  • and some fool field hands who doubtless had no idea what they were doing.Against that, what did Tyrion have?A dagger at his belt, and two men.
  • 以及一群根本不知道自己在做什么的庄稼汉。提利昂拿什么对付这些人?
  • Jyck swung a fair enough sword, but Morrec scarcely counted; he was part groom, part cook, part body servant, and no soldier.
  • 杰克的剑使得还不赖,但莫里斯就完全不行,他身兼马夫、厨子和照顾起居的随从三职,原本就不是打仗的料。
  • As for Yoren, whatever his feelings might have been, the black brothers were sworn to take no part in the quarrels of the realm.Yoren would do nothing.
  • 至于尤伦,无论他自己想法为何,黑衣弟兄可是发过誓,与王国内任何争执都无涉。尤伦只会袖手旁观。
  • And indeed, the black brother stepped aside silently when the old knight by Catelyn Stark's side said,
  • 果不其然,当凯特琳·史塔克身边的老骑士喝道没收他们的武器时,黑衣弟兄便静静地站到一边。
  • Take their weapons, and the sellsword Bronn stepped forward to pull the sword from Jyck's fingers and relieve them all of their daggers.
  • 佣兵波隆走上前来,从杰克手中拿下剑,并且搜出他们所有的匕首。很好。老人说。房间里的紧张气氛明显缓和下来。
  • Good, the old man said as the tension in the common room ebbed palpably, excellent. Tyrion recognized the gruff voice; Winterfell's master-at-arms, shorn of his whiskers.
  • 干得不错。提利昂认出那粗硬的声音,是临冬城的教头,只是剃了胡子。


Kill him,” hissed some drunken slattern from the back, and other voices took up the call, faster than he would have believed.Strangers all, friendly enough only a moment ago, and yet now they cried for his blood like hounds on a trail.

Tyrion spoke up loudly, trying to keep the quaver from his voice.“If Lady Stark believes I have some crime to answer for,I will go with her and answer for it.”
It was the only possible course.Trying to cut their way out of this was a sure invitation to an early grave.A good dozen swords had responded to the Stark woman's plea for help: the Harrenhal man, the three Brackens, a pair of unsavory sellswords who looked as though they'd kill him as soon as spit, and some fool field hands who doubtless had no idea what they were doing.Against that, what did Tyrion have? A dagger at his belt, and two men.Jyck swung a fair enough sword, but Morrec scarcely counted; he was part groom, part cook, part body servant, and no soldier.As for Yoren, whatever his feelings might have been, the black brothers were sworn to take no part in the quarrels of the realm.Yoren would do nothing.
And indeed, the black brother stepped aside silently when the old knight by Catelyn Stark's side said, “Take their weapons,” and the sellsword Bronn stepped forward to pull the sword from Jyck's fingers and relieve them all of their daggers.“Good,” the old man said as the tension in the common room ebbed palpably, “excellent.” Tyrion recognized the gruff voice; Winterfell's master-at-arms, shorn of his whiskers.


《权力的游戏》是一部中世纪史诗奇幻题材的电视连续剧。该剧以美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁的奇幻巨作《冰与火之歌》七部曲为基础改编创作,由大卫·贝尼奥夫和丹尼尔·威斯编剧、HBO电视网推出。乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁是欧美奇幻小说大师。马丁的作品主要以人物为关注点,描写细腻丰富,突破了幻想文学界固有的创作模式,多次引领阅读潮流。由于马丁的辉煌成就,他被誉为美国的托尔金和新世纪的海明威。从1989年开始,马丁淡出文学界,转而投身演艺界发展,1996年他才重返文坛而开始奇幻文学的创作,处女作便是《权力的游戏》,即为《冰与火之歌》的首部曲。《权力的游戏》甫出便拿下了British Fantasy Society、 世界奇幻奖和星云奖年度最佳幻想作品提名,在非官方的不记名奇幻作品投票中,《冰与火之歌》俨然已经可以和《魔戒》平起平坐,作者网站的访问量也是和斯蒂芬·金、J.K.罗琳等不相上下,其受欢迎的程度可见一斑。乔治马丁被时代杂志评选为2011年影响世界的一百人之一。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
plea [pli:]


n. 恳求,申诉,请愿,抗辩,借口

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

counted [kaunt]


vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计

groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

realm [relm]


n. 王国,领域

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压

fantasy ['fæntəsi]


n. 幻想
v. 幻想





