50. Laser Cures Snoring
第50课 镭射可治打鼾
A mother and son are talking.
I can't stand Dad's snoring anymore, mom.
妈, 我再也忍受不了老爸的鼾声了。
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
I understand. Neither did I. But what can we do?
I read in a magazine that there's some kind of laser which can cure snoring.
I read that, too. But it's pretty expensive.
我也看到了, 但那挺贵的。
Besides, people who have tried it say it's painful and could cause voice change.
Oh, I didn't know that. I guess there's no hope then.
哦, 这个我倒不知道。我想大概没指望了。
Well, I'll talk to Dad about it.
嗯, 我会和你老爸谈谈这件事。
I hope he agrees to do it. Anyway, a voice change will do him a world of good.
Have you heard him try to sing lately?
Come to think of it, you're right.
这倒使我想起来了, 你说的没错。