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  • This week, together with our allies and partners,
  • 本周,我们与盟友和伙伴国家一起,
  • we reached an historic understanding with Iran,
  • 与伊朗达成了历史性的共识,
  • which, if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country,
  • 这一意见如果得到全面执行,将能防止伊朗获得核武器,并确保我们的国家、
  • our allies, and our world safer.
  • 盟友和全世界更加安全。
  • This framework is the result of tough, principled diplomacy.
  • 这一框架协议的达成是艰苦而执着的外交努力的结果。
  • It's a good deal-a deal that meets our core objectives,
  • 这是一份成功的协议,符合我们的核心目标,
  • including strict limitations on Iran's program and cutting off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon.
  • 包括了对伊朗核计划的严厉限制措施,切断了伊朗发展核武器的所有可能途径。
  • This deal denies Iran the plutonium necessary to build a bomb.
  • 该协议让伊朗使用钚成产核武器的可能性消失。
  • It shuts down Iran's path to a bomb using enriched uranium.
  • 断绝了伊朗使用浓缩铀生产核武器的途径。
  • Iran has agreed that it will not stockpile the materials needed to build a weapon.
  • 伊朗也同意不会大量存贮此类可供生产核武器的核材料。
  • Moreover, international inspectors will have unprecedented access to Iran's nuclear program
  • 更重要的是,国际检查人员将以空前的规模深入检查伊朗核计划,
  • because Iran will face more inspections than any other country in the world.
  • 因为伊朗需要面对比其它国家更严格的检查。
  • If Iran cheats, the world will know it.
  • 如果伊朗耍花招,全世界都会知道。
  • If we see something suspicious, we will inspect it.
  • 如果我们有所怀疑,我们就会深入检查。
  • So this deal is not based on trust, it's based on unprecedented verification.
  • 因此这一协议是建立在信任的基础上的,是建立在空前的检查认定基础上的。
  • And this is a long-term deal, with strict limits on Iran's program for more than a decade and unprecedented transparency measures that will last for 20 years or more.
  • 这是一份长远的协议,对伊朗未来十多年的核计划有着严格的限制,并要求伊朗未来20年乃至更久的时间保持前所未有的公开透明。
  • And as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran will never be permitted to develop a nuclear weapon.
  • 作为核不扩散条约的成员国,伊朗永远不允许发展核武器。
  • In return for Iran's actions, the international community,
  • 作为对伊朗的行动的回报,国际社会,
  • including the United States, has agreed to provide Iran with phased relief from certain sanctions.
  • 包括美国在内,都同意为伊朗提供援助,减轻相关制裁带来的压力。
  • If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place.
  • 如果伊朗违反规定,制裁就将再次开始。
  • Meanwhile, other American sanctions on Iran for its support of terrorism,
  • 同时,美国对伊朗的其它制裁措施,包括对反恐、
  • its human rights abuses, its ballistic missile program, all will continue to be enforced.
  • 人权问题、弹道导弹计划的制裁等将更加严厉。
  • As I said this week, many key details will need to be finalized over the next three months, and nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed.
  • 我本周说过,还有很多细节需要在接下来的三个月里敲定,直到所有问题达成一致了这份协议才算最终达成。
  • And if there is backsliding, there will be no deal.
  • 如果其间有反复,协议也就不复存在了。
  • Here in the United States, I expect a robust debate.
  • 在美国国内,我希望有更实际的辩论。
  • We'll keep Congress and the American people fully briefed on the substance of the deal.
  • 我们将继续全面向国会和美国人民通报谈判的进展和结果。
  • As we engage in this debate, let's remember—we really only have three options for dealing with Iran's nuclear program:
  • 在我们参与这项辩论的过程中,我们要记住,如何处理伊朗核问题,我们只有三条途径:
  • bombing Iran's nuclear facilities—which will only set its program back a few years—while starting another war in the Middle East;
  • 要么炸毁伊朗的核设施,这只能将伊朗的核计划延后数年,而且还会引发又一次的中东战争;
  • abandoning negotiations and hoping for the best with sanctions
  • 要么放弃谈判,期待着制裁能带来好结果,
  • even though that's always led to Iran making more progress in its nuclear program;
  • 即便如此也往往会让伊朗在核计划上获得更多的成果;
  • or a robust and verifiable deal like this one that peacefully prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
  • 要么就促成一项实际的、有检查可行性的协议,就像这份协议一样,通过和平的方式防止伊朗获得核武器。
  • As President and Commander in Chief, I firmly believe that the diplomatic option—a comprehensive, long-term deal like this—is by far the best option.
  • 作为总统和总司令,我坚信通过外交途径达成全面而长远的协议是最好的选择。
  • For the United States.
  • 对美利坚合众国、
  • For our allies.
  • 对我们的盟友、
  • And for the world.
  • 对全世界而言都是如此。
  • Our work-this deal-is not yet done.
  • 我们的任务是,这份协议还未达成。
  • Diplomacy is painstaking work.
  • 外交努力是艰难而漫长的。
  • Success is not guaranteed.
  • 成功也无法得到保证。
  • But today we have an historic opportunity to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in Iran, and to do so peacefully, with the international community firmly behind us.
  • 但今天我们拥有一个历史性的机遇来阻止伊朗扩大其核武计划,而且可以和平地,与国际社会一道共同完成这一使命。
  • And this will be our work in the days and months ahead in keeping with the best traditions of American leadership.
  • 这将是我们在未来的几十天乃至几个月里的任务,我们要以此保持美国的领导力。


This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached an historic understanding with Iran, which, if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country, our allies, and our world safer.

This framework is the result of tough, principled diplomacy. It's a good deal-a deal that meets our core objectives, including strict limitations on Iran's program and cutting off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon.
This deal denies Iran the plutonium necessary to build a bomb. It shuts down Iran's path to a bomb using enriched uranium. Iran has agreed that it will not stockpile the materials needed to build a weapon. Moreover, international inspectors will have unprecedented access to Iran's nuclear program because Iran will face more inspections than any other country in the world. If Iran cheats, the world will know it. If we see something suspicious, we will inspect it. So this deal is not based on trust, it's based on unprecedented verification.
And this is a long-term deal, with strict limits on Iran's program for more than a decade and unprecedented transparency measures that will last for 20 years or more. And as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran will never be permitted to develop a nuclear weapon.
In return for Iran's actions, the international community, including the United States, has agreed to provide Iran with phased relief from certain sanctions. If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place. Meanwhile, other American sanctions on Iran for its support of terrorism, its human rights abuses, its ballistic missile program, all will continue to be enforced.
As I said this week, many key details will need to be finalized over the next three months, and nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed. And if there is backsliding, there will be no deal.
Here in the United States, I expect a robust debate. We'll keep Congress and the American people fully briefed on the substance of the deal. As we engage in this debate, let's rememberwe really only have three options for dealing with Iran's nuclear program: bombing Iran's nuclear facilitieswhich will only set its program back a few yearswhile starting another war in the Middle East; abandoning negotiations and hoping for the best with sanctionseven though that's always led to Iran making more progress in its nuclear program; or a robust and verifiable deal like this one that peacefully prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
As President and Commander in Chief, I firmly believe that the diplomatic optiona comprehensive, long-term deal like thisis by far the best option. For the United States. For our allies. And for the world.
Our work-this deal-is not yet done. Diplomacy is painstaking work. Success is not guaranteed. But today we have an historic opportunity to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in Iran, and to do so peacefully, with the international community firmly behind us. And this will be our work in the days and months ahead in keeping with the best traditions of American leadership.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik]


adj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

suspicious [səs'piʃəs]


adj. 可疑的,多疑的

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

inspect [in'spekt]


vt. 调查,检阅
vi. 调查





