Amidst this state of paranoia, in August 1974, a young American writer decided to probe Holmes's psyche in what is arguably the best pastiche Holmes novel ever written.
"The Seven-Per-Cent Solution", by Nicholas Meyer, proved a sensation, remaining on the New York Times' Best Seller list for 40 weeks, and winning the praise of PG Wodehouse, who was lost in admiration for the way which the young writer had captured Conan Doyle's style.
《百分之七溶液》 作者尼古拉斯·梅耶引起轰动,它雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书榜长达40周,获得

"The Seven-Per-Cent Solution" was written as a kind of protest against all the Holmes movies and earlier pastiches that I thought...rightly or wrongly, had got it wrong.
Meyer's story, pretending to be a lost manuscript by the late Dr Watson, promises to solve the mystery of Holmes's missing years after his Reichenbach fall.
The solution being that he fetches up in Vienna, where he encounters the father of psychoanalysis, Dr Sigmund Freud.
Doyle knew about the life and writing of Freud. And I thought, well, they're both doctors, that's kind of interesting.
Then I realised that Holmes is a cocaine addict and Freud had been an early proponent of cocaine, starting as a use for anaesthetic during eye surgery, but he also was a user.
And a lot of people were very angry at my book because it was a book about an addict.
It's not really a Sherlock Holmes story, "The Seven-Per-Cent Solution".
It's a story about Sherlock Holmes, not quite the same, and that Holmes's addiction is something that he has to overcome and the fact that he does overcome it and function while chained to it, renders him more remarkable, and not less.