Step by Step 3000. Book 2.
Unit 5. Creative Minds.
Part 1. Warming up.
A. Keywords. invented.
Vocabulary. internal-combustion engine, barometer, atmosphere pressure, polaroid, pendulum, diesel,
fuel oil, dynamite, kaleidoscope, harpsichord, gunsmith.
You're going to hear some information about 10 inventions.
Listen carefully, write down the names of the inventions, the nationality and occupation of each inventor and the year when the invention was made.
The gasoline automobile was invented by Gottieb Daimler, the German engineer in 1885.
His construction of the first high-speed internal-combustion engine led to development of the automobile industry.
The barometer, the instrument for measuring atmosphere pressure, was invented by inventor, Evangelista Torriceli ,the Italian physicist and mathematician in 1643.
The polaroid camera, which takes and prints photos in one step, was invented in 1947, by the American inventor and industrialist Edwin Herbert Land.
The pendulum clock was invented by the Dutch mathematician and physicist, Christiaan Huygens in 1657.
The diesel engine which is heavier and more powerful than gasoline engine, and which burns fuel oil instead of gasoline, was named after its inventor, Rudolph Diesel, the German engineer, in 1892.
Dynamite, the improved explosives was great safety, was invented in 1866, by the Swedish chemist, Alfred Bernhard Nobel.
He established a fund to provide annual awards called Nobel Prizes in science, literature and promotion of international peace.
The Kaleidoscope was invented in 1817, by Sir David Brewster, the Scottish physicist and natural philosopher.
The piano, a keyboard musical instrument, was invented in 1709, by the Italian harpsichord maker, Bartolomeo Cristofori.
The sewing machine, which greatly revolutionized clothes making, was invented by Elias Howe, an American inventor in 1846.
The typewriter, its first practical commerical model, was invented in 1867, by the American inventor, Christopher Sholes,
and was manufactured by the American gunsmith, Philo Remington in 1874.
B. Keywords. invent.
Vocabulary. fax, calendar, puppet, Mercedes-Benz.
The following passage will tell you about some inventions made by people in different countries.
Listen carefully and match the inventions with places where these things first came from.
People in England made the first computer. It was built in 1943.
It was made to help England understand secret messages during World War Two.
Someone in Australia invented the fax machine.
After the fax machine was invented, it first became popular in East Asia.
Folding fans came from Japan.
They were invented in Japan almost 800 years ago.
The first car came from Germany. It was invented by Karl Benz in 1885.
Benz is still famous. His name is one the Mercedes-Benz car.
A man in Canada invented the chocolate bar.
He lived in Nova Scotia, in the eastern part of Canada.
He invented the chocolate bar in the 1800's.
The first really accurate calendar was invented in Mexico.
This calendar was made about 1500 years ago.
That's when people learned that the year was 365 days long.
The first mechanical clock was invented in China.
It was invented in the year 725, over 1250 years ago.
People think Africans created the first puppets.
Actually no one is sure. But puppets were probably created to help tell stories.
C. Keywords. design, patent, introduce, develop, appear, born, invent, create.
Vocabulary. paper clip, patent, adhesive, primer, cellular phone, commission, authorize,
subscribe, credit with, wringer, ad, disposable, diaper, zipper, immigrant, galosh,
accident-prone, strip, merit, Band-Aid, Norwegian, Pennsylvania, Czech.
In the past century, when the consumer became king, product innovation reached unprecedented heights.
Now listen to some of the great things invented in the past 100 years.
Fill in the missing information.
Pay special attention to the name of the inventions and the time when they appeared.
The design of paper clips is perfect.
There's been little improvements since Norwegian Johan Vaaler got his American patent in 1901.
Only about 20% actually used to clip papers.
Post-it is one of the top 5 best selling office suppliers.
To make post-its, introduced in 1980, 3M had to develop the adhesive, primer, back-side coating and new manufacturing equipment.
The first cellular phone was developed in 1973, by Martin Cooper at Motorola.
And a test of 1000 such phones followed in Chicago.
The Federal Communications Commission authorized cellular service in 1982, and we haven't shut up since.
More than a third of all households in the U.S subscribe.
Among those credited with making electric washing machines was Alva J. Fisher.
The machines used wringers to remove water from clothes.
Truly automatic machines appeared in the 1930s.
An early ad for a GE washer read, "If every father did family washing next Monday, there would be an electric washing machine in evert home by Saturday night."
Oh, baby, what a convenience. Procter & Gamble's pampers, born in 1961, were first used only for special occasions.
Now the 95% of American parents who buy disposable diapers will spend up to 2100 dollars a child to avoid washing diapers.
Zippers were invented in 1913 by Swedish immigrant Gideon Sunback at Universal Fastener Co, in Pennsylvania.
B.F. Goodrich first used the word to refer to a fastener on a pair of its galoshes.
It was not used in clothes until the 1930s.
By 1941, zippers beat pants off buttons in the Battle of the Fly.
Johnson & Johnson sold 3000 dollars worth of handmade Band-Aids in 1921, the year it introduced them.
A company cotton buyer, Earle Dickson, had created them at home for his accident-prone wife.
He then convinced his boss that the strips had merit.
Onto Wichterle, a Czech scientist, created the first soft contact lens in 1961.
Bausch & Lomb brought the rights to his process for a reported 3 billion dollars in 1966.