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华尔街的赚钱经(MP3+中英字幕) 第46期:实现梦想 最佳时机就是现在(2)

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  • Cliff BurgessThe Marathon Man
  • 克里夫伯吉斯马拉松赛场上的老者
  • In 1993, Cliff Burgess was 55 years old. He was tired of his potbelly and vowed to start walking. Cliff hits the pavement in his suburban Texas town.
  • 1993年,55岁的克里夫伯吉斯开始对自己的啤酒肚越来越厌烦,发誓要通过散步减肥。他的家位于得州小镇的郊外,他决定在附近的柏油路上散步。
  • A walk around the block turns into twice around the block. Walking feels good, but he knew he can pick up some speed.
  • 慢慢地,在街区里的行走,由一圈变成走了两圈。散步的感觉很好,但他知道自己的速度还能再快点。
  • The weight starts to come off as he signs up for 5km and 10km races. In less than a year,
  • 当体重有所下降时,他报名参加了5公里和10公里的比赛。不到一年,
  • he entered in the San Antonio marathon thinking of it as a training run in preparation for his first marathon-42km (26.2 miles).
  • 他进了圣安东尼奥马拉松队,心想把这种跑步当作首次马拉松比赛42公里(26.2英里)的训练。
  • He feels good during the race, and he crossed the finish line faster than expected.
  • 在比赛中,他感觉良好,冲过终点的速度比他预想的还要快。
  • Averaging 15 marathons per year, he completed his 100th marathon six years later at the age of 62.
  • 他平均每年要参加15场马拉松比赛,一跑就是 6年。62岁那年,他跑完了第100场马拉松赛。
  • Reaching 100 marathons isn't the final goal. He finds himself in Finland, France, Romania, China, Argentina, Brazil, 25 other countries,
  • 跑完100场马拉松比赛并非最终目标。后来发现这15年来,他在芬兰、法国、罗马尼亚、中国、阿根廷、巴西等25个国家,
  • and nearly all of the 50 states of the USA in a record 15 years.
  • 以及美国差不多50个州里,都有参赛纪录。
  • "Nothing happens unless first we dream."
  • “除非我们梦想在先,否则一事无成。”
  • Carl Sandburg
  • 卡尔桑德伯格
  • Action summary
  • 行动总结
  • There's never a perfect age to live your dreams. The perfect age is right now.
  • 没有什么实现梦想的理想年龄。起步的最佳年龄就是现在。
  • Make your goal known. Travel one step at a time.
  • 亮出你的目标。一步步来。
  • Keep your dream alive. Long-term goals exist because they take a long time.
  • 持续您的梦想。确定长期目标,因为实现它们需要很长时间。
  • Success and determination are intimate siblings. Talent is merely success's distant cousin.
  • 成功和决心紧密相连。天分所占的比重少之甚少。


Cliff BurgessThe Marathon Man

In 1993, Cliff Burgess was 55 years old. He was tired of his potbelly and vowed to start walking. Cliff hits the pavement in his suburban Texas town. A walk around the block turns into twice around the block. Walking feels good, but he knew he can pick up some speed. The weight starts to come off as he signs up for 5km and 10km races. In less than a year, he entered in the San Antonio marathon thinking of it as a training run in preparation for his first marathon-42km (26.2 miles). He feels good during the race, and he crossed the finish line faster than expected.
Averaging 15 marathons per year, he completed his 100th marathon six years later at the age of 62.
他平均每年要参加15场马拉松比赛,一跑就是 6年。62岁那年,他跑完了第100场马拉松赛。
Reaching 100 marathons isn't the final goal. He finds himself in Finland, France, Romania, China, Argentina, Brazil, 25 other countries, and nearly all of the 50 states of the USA in a record 15 years.
"Nothing happens unless first we dream."
Carl Sandburg
Action summary
There's never a perfect age to live your dreams. The perfect age is right now.
Make your goal known. Travel one step at a time.
Keep your dream alive. Long-term goals exist because they take a long time.
Success and determination are intimate siblings. Talent is merely success's distant cousin.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]


adj. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的
n. 密友<

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

cliff [klif]


n. 悬崖,峭壁

determination [di.tə:mi'neiʃən]


n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位

summary ['sʌməri]


n. 摘要
adj. 概要的,简略的





