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避免感情出轨 打响恋情保卫战(视频+文本+字幕)

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  • How to Prevent Emotional Infidelity
  • 避免感情出轨 打响恋情保卫战
  • An affair of the heart can be every bit as painful – and sometimes even more so – than a physical one. Safeguard your relationship with these tips.
  • 感情上的出轨非常痛苦——有时甚至比身体出轨更甚。根据下面的建议,捍卫你的感情。
  • You Will Need
  • 你需要
  • Relationship radar
  • 恋情雷达
  • Good communication
  • 良好的沟通
  • Avoidance of temptation
  • 避免诱惑
  • STEP 1 Know the difference between a platonic friendship and an emotional affair:
  • 1.了解柏拉图式的友谊和精神出轨之间的区别:
  • The line's been crossed if there's continual sexual tension, secrecy, or an emotional connection you don't share with your partner.
  • 如果你持续出现性紧张,有秘密,或者不与伴侣分享的感情关系,那说明你跨越了界限。
  • STEP 2 Beware of the "office spouse." If you're the one with a sexually charged friendship at work, limit personal conversations and don't allow the bantering to spill into after-office hours.
  • 2.警惕“办公室配偶”。如果你工作期间出现了超越界限的朋友,限制私人对话,不要让你们之间的玩笑延续到下班以后。
  • If your mate seems to be getting too close to a colleague, remind them - without acting overtly insecure - to keep the relationship professional.
  • 如果你的伴侣与同事的关系太密切,提醒他们——但是不要表现得太缺乏安全 感——让他们之间的关系保持专业。
  • STEP 3 Be alert for signs that a partner has a special online relationship: spending an inordinate amount of time on their computer, or changing their screen when you enter the room.
  • 3.警惕伴侣发展特别的网上恋情的迹象:花费太多时间上网,或者当你进入房间时切换屏幕。
  • If this is the case, be blunt about your suspicions. That may be enough to nip it in the bud.
  • 如果出现这种情况,勇敢面对自己的怀疑。必须将网恋的可能性消灭在萌芽状态。
  • If you're the one getting frisky with an online friend, ask yourself if your partner would be upset to read your e-mail or instant messages.
  • 如果与旧网友擦出火花的是你,问一下自己,如果伴侣读到你的电子邮件或信息是否会伤心。
  • If the answer is "yes," you're already cheating.
  • 如果答案是肯定的,那你已经开始出轨了。
  • STEP 4 Keep tabs on emotional intimacy. If your partner is not confiding in you like they used to, it's possible they're talking over their problems with someone else.
  • 4.注意感情隐私。如果你的伴侣不像以前一样向你坦白,他们可能与其他人讲述自己的问题。
  • If you're the one revealing private thoughts elsewhere, try to reconnect on that level in your relationship.
  • 如果向其他人倾诉内心想法的是你,立即重新修复你们的感情。
  • STEP 5 Know the reasons people cheat, even if it's just in their heart: loneliness, the need for attention, sexual frustration, and a desire for romance.
  • 5.了解人们出轨的原因,即使仅仅是心里出轨:孤独,需要注意,性沮丧,以及对浪漫的渴望。
  • Making an effort to keep things happy at home can reduce the chances that either partner will go outside the relationship.
  • 努力让家里的生活过得开心可以降低任何一方外出寻找精神安慰的可能性。
  • STEP 6 If you find yourself physically attracted to someone, whether it's a colleague, an old friend who's resurfaced, or an online buddy, don't pursue a deep friendship with them – you'll be playing with fire.
  • 6.如果你发现自己对其他人的外表感兴趣,无论是同事,重新出现的老朋友,或者网友,不要与对方发展更深入的友情——你这是在玩火。
  • If it's your partner who's giddy around someone who's "just a friend," tell them to find friends they don't have a crush on.
  • 如果你的伴侣总是和“只是朋友”的人玩暧昧,告诉他们找一 些没有感觉的朋友。
  • Did you know? Emotional affairs that turn sexual are more likely to end a marriage than affairs that start out purely physical, according to research.
  • 根据一项调查,感情出轨比纯粹的从身体出轨开始的婚外情更容易终止一段婚姻。


An affair of the heart can be every bit as painfuland sometimes even more sothan a physical one. Safeguard your relationship with these tips.


You Will Need


Relationship radar


Good communication


Avoidance of temptation




STEP 1 Know the difference between a platonic friendship and an emotional affair: The line's been crossed if there's continual sexual tension, secrecy, or an emotional connection you don't share with your partner.


STEP 2 Beware of the "office spouse." If you're the one with a sexually charged friendship at work, limit personal conversations and don't allow the bantering to spill into after-office hours. If your mate seems to be getting too close to a colleague, remind themwithout acting overtly insecureto keep the relationship professional.


STEP 3 Be alert for signs that a partner has a special online relationship: spending an inordinate amount of time on their computer, or changing their screen when you enter the room. If this is the case, be blunt about your suspicions. That may be enough to nip it in the bud.


If you're the one getting frisky with an online friend, ask yourself if your partner would be upset to read your e-mail or instant messages. If the answer is "yes," you're already cheating.


STEP 4 Keep tabs on emotional intimacy. If your partner is not confiding in you like they used to, it's possible they're talking over their problems with someone else. If you're the one revealing private thoughts elsewhere, try to reconnect on that level in your relationship.


STEP 5 Know the reasons people cheat, even if it's just in their heart: loneliness, the need for attention, sexual frustration, and a desire for romance. Making an effort to keep things happy at home can reduce the chances that either partner will go outside the relationship.


STEP 6 If you find yourself physically attracted to someone, whether it's a colleague, an old friend who's resurfaced, or an online buddy, don't pursue a deep friendship with themyou'll be playing with fire. If it's your partner who's giddy around someone who's "just a friend," tell them to find friends they don't have a crush on.


Emotional affairs that turn sexual are more likely to end a marriage than affairs that start out purely physical, according to research.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

temptation [temp'teiʃən]


n. 诱惑,引诱

spill [spil]


v. 溢出,洒,使 ... 流出,泄漏

blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

frustration [frʌs'treiʃən]


n. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西

avoidance [ə'vɔidəns]


n. 避免

bud [bʌd]


n. 芽,花蕾
vi. 发芽,萌芽

colleague ['kɔli:g]


n. 同事

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

spouse [spauz]


n. 配偶





