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奥巴马每周电视讲话:退伍军人纪念日 总统向退伍军人表达敬意

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi, everybody.
  • 大家好。
  • This weekend, I depart for Asia to advance American leadership and promote American jobs in a dynamic region that
  • 本周末,我要前往亚洲参加APEC会议,提升美国的领导力,在这一经济活跃地区为美国争取就业机会,
  • will be critical to our security and prosperity in the century ahead.
  • 这对我们国家在这个世纪的繁荣安定至关重要。
  • The democracies, progress and growth we see across the Asia Pacific would have been impossible without America's enduring commitment to that region
  • 大家好。亚太地区的民主、发展与进步,离不开美国持续的参与,
  • especially the service of generations of Americans in uniform.
  • 尤其与数代美国军人的付出是分不开的。
  • As we approach Veterans' Day, we honor them-and all those who've served to keep us free and strong.
  • 退伍军人纪念日即将来临,让我们一起向他们致敬,向所有为我们的自由和强大而服役的军人致敬。
  • We salute that Greatest Generation who freed a continent from fascism and fought across Pacific Islands to preserve our way of life.
  • 让我们向伟大的一代军人致敬,他们将亚欧大陆从法西斯的铁蹄下解放出来,
  • We pay tribute to Americans who defended the people of South Korea, soldiered through the brutal battles of Vietnam,
  • 他们在太平洋的海岛上浴血奋战,他们为的是我们过上今天的生活。让我们向在南韩为保护当地人民而战,在残酷的越南战场战斗,
  • stood up to a tyrant in Desert Storm and stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.
  • 在沙漠风暴中敢于面对暴君,在巴尔干半岛终结种族清洗的人们致敬。
  • And we celebrate our newest heroes from the 9/11 Generation-our veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 同时我们要祝贺911之后我们新一代的英雄们,包括从伊拉克和阿富汗战场回国的退伍军人。
  • For more than 13 years, we have been at war in Afghanistan.
  • 13年过去了,我们在阿富汗的战争一直没有间断。
  • Next month, our combat mission will be over, and America's longest war will come to a responsible end.
  • 下个月,我们的军事行动就将结束,美国历史上最长的战争将完全结束。
  • But the end of a war is just the beginning of our obligations to those who serve in our name.
  • 但战争的结束仅仅是我们承担起责任的开始,这是我们对以我们的名义而战的人的责任。
  • These men and women will be proud veterans for decades to come, and our service to them has only just begun.
  • 这些男女将士将在未来数十年退伍,我们为他们服务的时间刚刚开始。
  • So as we welcome our newest veterans home, let's honor them by giving them the thanks and respect they deserve.
  • 因此,在我们欢迎最近回家的退伍军人的同时,让我们以对他们的感谢和尊重表达我们的敬意。
  • And let's make sure we're there for their families and children, too-because they've also made great sacrifices for America.
  • 因为他们曾为美国付出了巨大的牺牲,所以,我们也应该为他们的家人和孩子们付出我们的爱心。
  • Let's honor our veterans by making sure they get the care and benefits they've earned.
  • 我们尊重退伍军人,就要让他们得到应有的照顾和福利。
  • That means health care that's there for them when they need it. It means continuing to reduce the disability claims backlog.
  • 这包括当他们生病时需要的医疗保险,继续减少残疾索赔的积压案件,
  • And it means giving our wounded warriors all the care and support they need to heal,
  • 给受伤的战士治疗所需的所有照料和帮助,
  • including mental health care for those with post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury.
  • 包括创后压力综合症和大脑创伤患者的心理健康辅导。
  • Some of the most moving moments I've experienced as Commander in Chief have been with our wounded warriors.
  • 作为最高统帅,我经历过很多与受伤的战士在一起的感人时刻。
  • Some have to learn how to walk again, talk again, write their names again.
  • 很多人要重新学习走路、说话、写自己的名字。
  • But no matter how hard it is, they never give up.
  • 但无论困难多大,他们都从不放弃。
  • They never quit. And we can't ever quit on them.
  • 从不放弃。我们也永远不能放弃他们。
  • Let's honor our veterans by making sure they get their shot at the American Dream that they risked their lives to defend
  • 我们尊重退伍军人,就要让他们也有机会追求美国梦,这是他们曾为之冒着生命危险去保卫的梦想。
  • by helping them find jobs worthy of their skills and talents, and making sure the Post-9/11 GI Bill stays strong so more veterans can earn a college education.
  • 我们要帮助他们找到可以发挥他们聪明才智的工作,确保《后911G1法案》的实施,让退伍军人可以上大学。
  • When our veterans have the opportunity to succeed, our whole nation is stronger.
  • 当我们的退伍军人可以有机会获得成功的时候,我们整个国家就会变得更加强大。
  • And let's work together to end the tragedy of homelessness among veterans once and for all-because anyone who has defended America deserves to live in dignity in America.
  • 让我们共同努力,一劳永逸的终结部分退伍军人无家可归的悲剧,因为,任何保卫美国的人在美国都应该过上有尊严的生活。
  • Finally, let's honor our veterans by remembering that this isn't just a job for government.
  • 最后,向退伍军人致敬,我们要牢记这不仅仅是政府的任务,也是每个美国人的任务。
  • It's a job for every American. We're all keepers of that sacred trust that says, if you put on a uniform and risk your life to keep us safe, we'll do our part for you.
  • 就像那句神圣的誓言所说的,我们都是你们的守护者,因为你们曾穿上军装冒着生命危险保护我们的安宁,我们也要为你们尽到我们的责任。
  • We'll make sure you and your family get the support you need. We'l have your backs-just like you had ours.
  • 我们要保护你们和你们的家人得到帮助和支持,我们始终是你们的后盾,就像你们曾是我们的后盾一样。
  • So this Veterans' Day, and every day, let's make sure all our veterans know how much we appreciate them.
  • 因此,在这个退伍军人纪念日,以及今后的每一天,我们要让退伍军人知道我们多么感激他们。
  • If you see a veteran, go on up and shake their hand. Look them in the eye.
  • 如果你看见一位老兵,请上前与他握手,注视着他的眼睛,
  • Say those words that every veteran deserves to hear: Welcome home. Thank you.
  • 向他说出每个老兵都应听到的话:欢迎回家,非常谢您!
  • We need you more than ever to help us stay strong and free.
  • 您让我们强大,让我们自由,我们永远需要您。


Hi, everybody.

This weekend, I depart for Asia to advance American leadership and promote American jobs in a dynamic region that will be critical to our security and prosperity in the century ahead.
The democracies, progress and growth we see across the Asia Pacific would have been impossible without America's enduring commitment to that region-especially the service of generations of Americans in uniform.
As we approach Veterans' Day, we honor them-and all those who've served to keep us free and strong.
We salute that Greatest Generation who freed a continent from fascism and fought across Pacific Islands to preserve our way of life.
We pay tribute to Americans who defended the people of South Korea, soldiered through the brutal battles of Vietnam, stood up to a tyrant in Desert Storm and stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.
And we celebrate our newest heroes from the 9/11 Generation-our veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.
For more than 13 years, we have been at war in Afghanistan.
Next month, our combat mission will be over, and America's longest war will come to a responsible end.
But the end of a war is just the beginning of our obligations to those who serve in our name.
These men and women will be proud veterans for decades to come, and our service to them has only just begun.
So as we welcome our newest veterans home, let's honor them by giving them the thanks and respect they deserve.
And let's make sure we're there for their families and children, too-because they've also made great sacrifices for America.
Let's honor our veterans by making sure they get the care and benefits they've earned.
That means health care that's there for them when they need it. It means continuing to reduce the disability claims backlog.
And it means giving our wounded warriors all the care and support they need to heal, including mental health care for those with post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury.
Some of the most moving moments I've experienced as Commander in Chief have been with our wounded warriors.
Some have to learn how to walk again, talk again, write their names again.
But no matter how hard it is, they never give up.
They never quit. And we can't ever quit on them.
Let's honor our veterans by making sure they get their shot at the American Dream that they risked their lives to defend-by helping them find jobs worthy of their skills and talents, and making sure the Post-9/11 GI Bill stays strong so more veterans can earn a college education.
When our veterans have the opportunity to succeed, our whole nation is stronger.
And let's work together to end the tragedy of homelessness among veterans once and for all-because anyone who has defended America deserves to live in dignity in America.
Finally, let's honor our veterans by remembering that this isn't just a job for government.
It's a job for every American. We're all keepers of that sacred trust that says, if you put on a uniform and risk your life to keep us safe, we'll do our part for you.
We'll make sure you and your family get the support you need. We'l have your backs-just like you had ours.
So this Veterans' Day, and every day, let's make sure all our veterans know how much we appreciate them.
If you see a veteran, go on up and shake their hand. Look them in the eye.
Say those words that every veteran deserves to hear: "Welcome home. Thank you.
向他说出每个老兵都应听到的话:“欢迎回家, 非常谢您!
We need you more than ever to help us stay strong and free."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m]


n. 制服
adj. 一致的,统一的

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

depart [di'pɑ:t]


vt. 离开
vi. 离开,死亡,脱轨

defended [di'fend]


vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

prosperity [prɔs'periti]


n. 繁荣,兴旺

salute [sə'lu:t]


v. 行礼,致意,问候





