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TED演讲(MP3+双语字幕) 第3期:我父亲是恐怖分子,但我选择和平(3)

来源:网易 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then there was "The Daily Show."
  • 接着,有个“每日秀”的节目出现了。
  • On a nightly basis, Jon Stewart forced me to be intellectually honest with myself about my own bigotry and helped me to realize that a person's race,
  • 每一晚,乔恩·斯图尔特催促我 诚实面对自己的偏见,帮助我认识到一个人的种族,
  • religion or sexual orientation had nothing to do with the quality of one's character.
  • 信仰和性取向对这个人的人格没有任何关系。
  • He was in many ways a father figure to me when I was in desperate need of one.
  • 某种程度上说,每当我迫切需要一个父亲的时候,他就在那里。
  • Inspiration can often come from an unexpected place,
  • 鼓舞人心之事往往来自你无法预知的地方,
  • and the fact that a Jewish comedian had done more to positively influence my worldview than my own extremist father is not lost on me.
  • 事实上,一个犹太裔喜剧明星积极地影响我的世界观,比我那极端的亲生父亲多得多。


Then there was "The Daily Show." On a nightly basis, Jon Stewart forced me to be intellectually honest with myself about my own bigotry and helped me to realize that a person's race, religion or sexual orientation had nothing to do with the quality of one's character. He was in many ways a father figure to me when I was in desperate need of one. Inspiration can often come from an unexpected place, and the fact that a Jewish comedian had done more to positively influence my worldview than my own extremist father is not lost on me.

接着,有个“每日秀”的节目出现了。每一晚,乔恩·斯图尔特催促我 诚实面对自己的偏见,帮助我认识到一个人的种族,信仰和性取向对这个人的人格没有任何关系。某种程度上说,每当我迫切需要一个父亲的时候,他就在那里。鼓舞人心之事往往来自你无法预知的地方,事实上,一个犹太裔喜剧明星积极地影响我的世界观,比我那极端的亲生父亲多得多。

One day, I had a conversation with my mother about how my worldview was starting to change, and she said something to me that I will hold dear to my heart for as long as I live. She looked at me with the weary eyes of someone who had experienced enough dogmatism to last a lifetime, and said, "I'm tired of hating people." In that instant, I realized how much negative energy it takes to hold that hatred inside of you.

某天,我和母亲谈到我的世界观正在改变,她对我说,我将在生命里一直带着尊重的心。她用疲倦的眼神看着我,她受够了被教条主义侵占的人生,说到:“我不愿憎恨他人了。” 瞬间,我意识到,在内心里承受憎恨需要多么巨大的负能量。


Ebrahim is not my real name. I changed it when my family decided to end our connection with my father and start a new life. So why would I out myself and potentially put myself in danger? Well, that's simple. I do it in the hopes that perhaps someone someday who is compelled to use violence may hear my story and realize that there is a better way, that although I had been subjected to this violent, intolerant ideology, that I did not become fanaticized. Instead, I choose to use my experience to fight back against terrorism, against the bigotry. I do it for the victims of terrorism and their loved ones, for the terrible pain and loss that terrorism has forced upon their lives. For the victims of terrorism, I will speak out against these senseless acts and condemn my father's actions. And with that simple fact, I stand here as proof that violence isn't inherent in one's religion or race, and the son does not have to follow the ways of his father. I am not my father.

扎克·伊博黑姆不是我的本名。当我的家人决定 和我父亲断绝关系时我改了这个名字以开始新的生活。那么,我为什么要出现在公众视线前 将自己置于可能的危险境地呢? 嗯,这很容易解释。我这样做是希望也许某人某天 当他决定使用武力反抗社会的时候 可能会听到我的故事,并意识到 有比动武更好的方法,尽管我曾被灌输这样的暴力思维,偏狭的意识,我并没有为其所动。而是选择通过自己的经验 来抵抗恐怖主义,来反对偏见。我为了那些恐怖袭击的受害者以及他们的亲人而这样做,为了那些被恐怖主义活动所造成的 生命的苦痛和损失而这样做。为了那些遭受恐怖袭击的 受害者,我站出来 反对这些毫无意义的袭击行动,谴责我父亲的行为。就是这样简单的原因,我站在这里证明 暴力不是宗教或种族与生俱来的,儿子并不需要走上 和父亲相同的道路。我不是我的父亲。
Thank you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hatred ['heitrid]


n. 憎恶,憎恨,怨恨

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

inspiration [.inspə'reiʃən]


n. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)

intolerant [in'tɔlərənt]


adj. 不能容忍的,偏执的

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负



adv. 智力上;知性上;理智地

orientation [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən]


n. 信仰,趋向,定位,适应,情况介绍

ideology [.aidi'ɔlədʒi]


n. 观念学,空论,意识形态

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的





