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有声读物《黑骏马》 第62期:第11章 告别老友(8)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Jerry pulled one of my cloths higher over my neck, then walked up and down, trying to keep warm.
  • 杰利正点到达,我们等着。风很冷,又下着雪。杰利把我身上的一块盖布拉高罩住我的脖子,他自己则走来走去,试图保持温暖。
  • At half-past twelve, Jerry rang the door-bell and asked if the gentlemen still wanted the cab.The man at the door said, Oh, yes, youll be wanted.
  • 十二点半了,杰利按门铃问那两位先生是否还想要车。门房答道:噢,是的,他们还会需要你。
  • At one oclock the door opened and two men came out.They got in the cab without a word, and told Jerry where to drive.
  • 一点了,门开了,两个男人走了出来。他们坐进车里,什么也没说,只告诉杰利到哪儿去。
  • It was three kilometres away, and when the men got out they didnt say they were sorry for the long wait,
  • 路有三公里远,到下车时他们也没有为让我们等了这么长时间而说句抱歉的话,
  • but they were angry when Jerry made them pay for the extra waiting time.But it was money hard-earned.
  • 反而因为杰利让他们付超时等候费而生了气。我们挣的真是辛苦钱。
  • When we got home, Jerry could not speak, and his cough was terrible, but he groomed me and made sure that I was warm and comfortable.
  • 我们回到家时,杰利连话也说不出来了,他咳得厉害极了,但他还是给我刷洗了一遍,以确保我温暖、舒适。
  • It was late the next morning before anyone came, and then it was only Harry.He cleaned us and gave us our food but was very quiet.
  • 第二天早上到很晚还没有人来马厩,最后只有哈利来了。他把我们收拾了一遍,又喂了我们些吃的,却一言不发。
  • Later that morning he came again, and this time Dolly came with him.She was crying, and I discovered from their conversation that Jerry was dangerously ill.
  • 上午晚些时候他又来了一趟,这回多莉也一起来了。她哭着,从他们的交谈中,我发觉杰利病情很危险。


Jerry pulled one of my cloths higher over my neck, then walked up and down, trying to keep warm.

At half-past twelve,Jerry rang the door-bell and asked if the gentlemen still wanted the cab.The man at the door said,Oh,yes,youll be wanted.
At one oclock the door opened and two men came out.They got in the cab without a word,and told Jerry where to drive.
It was three kilometres away,and when the men got out they didnt say they were sorry for the long wait,
but they were angry when Jerry made them pay for the extra waiting time.But it was money hard-earned.
When we got home,Jerry could not speak,and his cough was terrible,but he groomed me and made sure that I was warm and comfortable.
It was late the next morning before anyone came, and then it was only Harry.He cleaned us and gave us our food but was very quiet.
Later that morning he came again, and this time Dolly came with him.She was crying,and I discovered from their conversation that Jerry was dangerously ill.





