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有声读物《黑骏马》 第31期:第7章 乔·格林(4)

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  • The doctor was a heavier man than John, and not so good a rider, but I did my very best.
  • 医生比约翰重,而且骑术不太好,不过我拼尽全力。
  • Joe was waiting at the gate and the master was at the Hall door.He did not say a word.
  • 乔在大门口等着,主人则在大宅门口等着。他一言不发。
  • The doctor went into the house with him, and Joe led me to the stable.
  • 医生随他进了房间,乔把我带回马厩。
  • My legs were shaking and there was not a dry hair on my body.The water ran down my legs and I was hot all over.Poor Joe!
  • 我的腿在瑟瑟发抖,全身上下没有一根毛是于的。汗水顺着腿流下来,我全身热得要命。可怜的乔!
  • He was young and knew very little.
  • 他小小年纪,懂得很少。
  • He did the best he could, cleaning my legs and my chest, but he did not put a warm cloth on me;he thought I was so hot that I would not like it.
  • 他尽他所能,洗干净我的腿和胸,可是没有给我盖上暖和的布,他觉得我已经很热了,可能不会喜欢盖布。
  • He gave me some cold water to drink, then he gave me some food and went away.
  • 他喂了我一些冷水和一些食物,然后就走开了。
  • Soon I began to shake and tremble with cold, and I ached all over.I wished John was there, but he had twelve kilometres to walk, so I tried to sleep.
  • 很快我开始发抖,冷得直哆嚏,浑身上下都痛。我真希望约翰在,但是,他得步行12公里,我只好试着睡觉。
  • After a long time, I heard John at the door.I gave a low cry, and he was at my side in a moment.
  • 过了很久,我听见约的在门口。我低低地呜咽了一声,他立刻来到我身旁。
  • I could not tell him how I felt, but he seemed to know immediately.He covered me with three warm cloths, then ran for some hot water and made me a warm drink.
  • 我没法儿告诉他我的感觉,但他似乎立刻就明白了。他给我盖了3块暖和的布,跑去取了些热水让我趁热喝下。


The doctor was a heavier man than Johnand not so good a riderbut I did my very best

Joe was waiting at the gate and the master was at the Hall doorHe did not say a word
The doctor went into the house with himand Joe led me to the stable
My legs were shaking and there was not a dry hair on my bodyThe water ran down my legs and I was hot all overPoor Joe
He was young and knew very little
He did the best he couldcleaning my legs and my chestbut he did not put a warm cloth on mehe thought I was so hot that I would not like it
He gave me some cold water to drinkthen he gave me some food and went away
Soon I began to shake and tremble with coldand I ached all overI wished John was therebut he had twelve kilometres to walkso I tried to sleep
After a long timeI heard John at the doorI gave a low cryand he was at my side in a moment
I could not tell him how I feltbut he seemed to know immediatelyHe covered me with three warm clothsthen ran for some hot water and made me a warm drink



重点单词   查看全部解释    
stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

tremble ['trembl]


n. 战悚,颤抖
v. 战悚,忧虑,微动





