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有声读物《风语河岸柳》第1期:第1章 河(1)

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  • Chapter 1 The river
  • 第1章 河
  • The Mole worked very hard all morning, cleaning his little home.
  • 鼹鼠整个早上都在辛苦地打扫着他的小屋。
  • He brushed, and he washed; he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards,
  • 他扫着,洗着;拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶。
  • he got under the beds, he took up the carpets.
  • 一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,
  • He cleaned and he cleaned, until his arms and his back ached with tiredness.
  • 一会儿又卷起地毯。他不停地清扫着,直到累得胳膊酸脊背疼。
  • It was springtime, and the smell and the sound of spring were everywhere, even in the Mole's dark little house under the ground.
  • 这正是开春时节,到处都充满了春天的气息,就连鼹鼠这个地下阴暗的小窝里也洋溢着春意。
  • And with the spring comes the promise of change, of sunshine, of new green leaves.
  • 春天,意味着万物变化,阳光明媚,新叶吐芽,
  • So it was not surprising that the Mole suddenly put down his brushes and said, 'Oh bother! 'and then, 'I'm tired of cleaning!
  • 所以大家一点也不奇怪鼹鼠突然扔下扫帚感叹道:噢,真无聊!我讨厌大扫除!
  • 'Something up above the ground was calling to him, and he ran out of his house and began to dig his way upwards to the sun.
  • 地面上有什么东西在召唤着他,他跑出房间,开始挖洞钻向有阳光照耀的地方。
  • He dug and he pushed, and he pushed and he dug. 'Up we go! Up we go!
  • 他挖了推,推了挖,嘴里还喃喃自语着向上!向上!
  • he said to himself, until at last his nose came out into the sunlight, and he found himself in the warm grass of a field.
  • 最后他的鼻子触到了阳光,他发现他正在一块田地的暧烘烘的草丛里。


Chapter 1 The river

第1章 河
The Mole worked very hard all morning, cleaning his little home.
He brushed, and he washed; he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards,
he got under the beds, he took up the carpets.
He cleaned and he cleaned, until his arms and his back ached with tiredness.
It was springtime, and the smell and the sound of spring were everywhere, even in the Mole's dark little house under the ground.
And with the spring comes the promise of change, of sunshine, of new green leaves.
So it was not surprising that the Mole suddenly put down his brushes and said, 'Oh bother! 'and then, 'I'm tired of cleaning!
'Something up above the ground was calling to him, and he ran out of his house and began to dig his way upwards to the sun.
He dug and he pushed, and he pushed and he dug. 'Up we go! Up we go!
he said to himself, until at last his nose came out into the sunlight, and he found himself in the warm grass of a field.


肯尼思·格雷厄姆(Kenneth Grahame)(1859-1932)是英国的银行家。他出生于爱丁堡一个传统的苏格兰家庭,父亲是律师,却有严重的酗酒恶习。




