Bison calves are born in summer and can run within a few hours of their birth.
野牛幼崽在夏季出生,在出生后短短几小时之内就能奔跑 。
They have no choice. The herd won't wait in its eternal quest to find new grazing.
它们别无选择 。牛群对新草场的无尽追寻可不容等待 。
Smaller grazers are still found here, too.
这里也存在小型食草动物 。
But they stay put instead of wandering the plains.
但是它们宁愿原地呆着,而不是在草原上游荡,追寻食物 。
Prairie dogs inhabit rambling subterranean towns that stretch tens of square miles.
草原土拨鼠住在蔓延数十平方英里,错综复杂的地下宫殿 。
These highly social creatures stay within a short dash of their door,
ready to retreat from predators or by weather.
以便在捕食者或者坏天气来袭时,迅速退入巢中 。
It's always maintenance work to do,
but major renovations have to wait until after rain when the soil is soft.
但大型的整修还待雨后泥土松软时再动工 。
All this working and re-working helps the land recover
from the impact of so many bigger feet and appetites.
清除地上大型动物的留下的脚印和食物残渣 。
At summer's end, male bison help to move the sun-baked soil as the rutting season starts.
夏末,随着发情期的开始,雄性公牛也开始帮助翻动太阳晒过的泥土 。
They roll in dust and paw the ground to try to dominate their rivals.
The dust bath also helps to dislodge irritating insects.
这样的泥土浴也有助于消除它们身上恼人的虫子 。
A prairie dog colony is usually surrounded by short, nutritious grass,
thanks to the many teeth and toe.
这要感谢那些食草动物勤快的牙齿和脚趾了 。
This constant grazing stimulates fresh growth
and also keeps the field of vision clear for spotting predators.
还给捕食者提供了清晰了踩点视线 。
Larger neighbours are attracted to these burgeoning meadows,
just as they were 13,000 years ago.
它们大块头的动物邻居也被欣欣向荣的田野所吸引 。
adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量