Spring cleaning does not need to be a noxious-chemical-filled affair. Here are some ideas to keep your household chores nontoxic.
You Will Need
Lemon juice
White vinegar
Liquid soap
Tea tree oil
Club soda
Baking soda
Hydrogen peroxide
Kosher salt
Dishwasher detergent

Step 1 Use lemon juice or vinegar
Use lemon juice or white vinegar to remove stains, mildew, and grease streaks. Spray the liquid on a surface, and scrub it with a stiff brush or textured sponge.
Step 2 Make a disinfectant
Make a disinfectant by mixing 2 cups water, 3 tablespoons liquid soap, and two dozen drops of tea tree oil.
Step 3 Clean windows
Clean windows with a solution made by mixing 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with a gallon of water. Spray the solution on glass, and wipe it off with sheets of newspaper.
Step 4 Remove stains from carpets
Remove stains from carpets using club soda. Pour it on the carpet, and blot the carpet with a towel.
Step 5 Make a bathroom cleanser
Use baking soda as a bathroom cleanser. Dust the surface to be cleaned with baking soda, and scrub it with a damp cloth or sponge. To get rid of tougher grime, apply some kosher salt and scrub.
Kosher salt has a larger grain than ordinary table salt.
Step 6 Remove mold in bathroom tile grout
Remove mold from bathroom tile grout using a solution made with one part three-percent hydrogen peroxide and two parts water.Spray the solution on the mold, wait an hour, and rinse.
Step 7 Clean soiled linens
Clean soiled linens with a thick paste made with dishwasher detergent and borax. Rub the paste in, and rinse the fabric clean. Enjoy cleaning without worrying about toxic chemicals.