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  • One of the hottest products is Tabeo. This is a Toys ' R'Us designed kids tablet.
  • 圣诞节购物最热闹商品之一便是Tabeo儿童平板电脑, 是玩具反斗城公司专为小孩子们设计的一种玩具。
  • Even the kids want a tablet? Even the kids want it. It's android tablet, wifi, the great the thing most kids use it for is playing apps like ' angry birds ' or ' cut the rope '.
  • 小孩子也需要平板电脑?连小孩子们也想要呢!他们也想要安卓无线上网电脑,他们主要用这个好东西来玩“愤怒的小鸟”或“割绳子”之类的游戏应用软件。
  • And parents love it because then they do not have to give their kids an iPad and they can play with this or dolls ' Monster High '.
  • 孩子们的父母也喜爱这个东西,因为他们不必给孩子们苹果平板电脑,而孩子们可以自己也可以玩Tabeo或玩“怪兽高校”玩具娃娃。
  • It's one of the hottest lines. Lego is doing fantastic. Across the board, it's gotta be the hottest toy brand in the world right now.
  • 它是一款最热款玩具。乐高积木Lego太了不起了,现在是全世界最热销的玩具品牌。
  • These are not inexpensive toys, even that they 're sturdier.
  • 这些玩具不贵,而且更坚固。
  • If compared by something like this, does that cut down on what else they 're able to buy?
  • 如果与同类商品相比较,这一款的价格比人们可能买的其他款都低吗?
  • Toys 'R'Us is a holiday store. It's a Christmas store. So we are the place that parents typically come or grandparents choose to buy that big gift.
  • 'R'Us玩具是一家假日商店,更是一家圣诞节商店。通常,父母或祖父母假日会选择来我们这里购买“大礼”。
  • You mentioned discounting. Is that going to be really important for this Christmas season?
  • 你提到了打折。这对圣诞购物季确实非常重要吗?
  • I do believe this year the consumer wants a great deal. And we are going to give it to them. On Black Friday, we have over 200 doll busters. That's up from 150 last year.
  • 我确信今年的顾客会大量采购,并且已经为他们备足了货物。我们在黑色周五销售了200多套大玩具,比去年增加了150套。
  • Our ad is 4 pages longer, full of more and more and more great deals on products. And we are going to keep ading all day, all weekend, all season.More and more and more great deals.
  • 我们的产品目录增加了4页,产品琳琅满目、大量备货。目前我们还准备在周末及圣诞期间全天增加备货。将售出大量商品。
  • This year we also introduced price match.You know. Because we know consumers care a lot about price.
  • 今年我们还引入了价格匹配方案。大家知道,顾客们非常在意价格。
  • And so, if by any miracle you should find something less expensive while our competitors will match that price too.
  • 通过价格比较,消费者如果能够找到同类商品价格更低的商家,我们将为消费者补上差价。
  • How much of the mix is between brick and-mortar and online now?
  • 目前现场销售和网上销售的比例如何?
  • Well it's about 90% in the stores and 10% online.
  • 商店销售大约占90% ,而网上大约占10%。
  • But I have to tell you that I believe in the future, we 'll see that 100% of our sales will be internet affected.
  • 但是必须承认,我相信将来,我们的销售将百分之百的受到网络的影响。
  • By that I mean the customer does not distinguish any more between their digital world and their physical world.They relate to a great brand like Toys ' R'Us. They wanna do business with Toys ' R'Us.
  • 我的意思是说,顾客们将无法区分数字世界和现实世界。顾客的世界将和有'R'Us玩具等大品牌有关,他们想在'R'Us玩具购买东西。
  • So they might start on their cellphone, for example, to see we have a product, then go to the store and pick that up.
  • 因此,例如他们可能首先通过手机看看我们是否有某款商品,然后去商店购买。
  • Where is the consumer in terms of their ability to spend? Is it going to be a better spending season?
  • 顾客的购买力水平如何?今年是更好的圣诞购物季吗?
  • We know the economy is a little tough but we are still very optimistic. We 've seen that in good times and bad. The last thing parents got back on is that Christmas present for their child and even in debts or a recession.
  • 大家知道,目前经济形势有些严峻,但我们仍然保持乐观。我们发现,无论经济情况如何,父母们都会为孩子在圣诞准备礼物,哪怕处在债务累累或不断下滑的经济状况中。
  • In 2008 or 2009, we still saw growth in our sales of Toys ' R'Us.So we expect that, when Christmas comes, they are going to wanna buy that great Christmas present for their child.
  • 大家知道,目前经济形势有些严峻,但我们仍然保持乐观。我们发现,无论经济情况如何,父母们都会为孩子在圣诞准备礼物,哪怕处在债务累累或不断下滑的经济状况中。


One of the hottest products is Tabeo. This is a Toys 'R'Us designed kids tablet.

圣诞节购物最热闹商品之一便是Tabeo儿童平板电脑, 是玩具反斗城公司专为小孩子们设计的一种玩具。

Even the kids want a tablet?


Even the kids want it. It's android tablet, wifi, the great the thing most kids use it for is playing apps like 'angry birds' or 'cut the rope'. And parents love it because then they don't have to give their kids an iPad and they can play with this or dolls 'Monster High'. It's one of the hottest lines. Lego is doing fantastic. Across the board, it's gotta be the hottest toy brand in the world right now.


These are not inexpensive toys, even that they're sturdier.


If compared by something like this, does that cut down on what else they're able to buy?


Toys 'R'Us is a holiday store. It's a Christmas store. So we are the place that parents typically come or grandparents choose to buy that big gift.


You mentioned discounting. Is that gonna be really important for this Christmas season?


I do believe this year the consumer wants a great deal. And we are going to give it to them. On Black Friday, we have over 200 doll busters. That's up from 150 last year. Our ad is 4 pages longer, full of more and more and more great deals on products. And we are gonna keep ading all day, all weekend, all season. More and more and more great deals. This year we also introduced price match. You know. Because we know consumers care a lot about price. And so, if by any miracle you should find something less expensive while our competitors will match that price too.


How much of the mix is between brick-and-mortar and online now?


Well it's about 90% in the stores and 10% online. But I have to tell you that I believe in the future, we'll see that 100% of our sales will be internet affected. By that I mean the customer does not distinguish any more between their digital world and their physical world. They relate to a great brand like Toys 'R'Us. They wanna do business with Toys 'R'Us. So they might start on their cellphone, for example, to see we have a product, then go to the store and pick that up.

商店销售大约占90% ,而网上大约占10%。但是必须承认,我相信将来,我们的销售将百分之百的受到网络的影响。我的意思是说,顾客们将无法区分数字世界和现实世界。顾客的世界将和有'R'Us玩具等大品牌有关,他们想在'R'Us玩具购买东西。因此,例如他们可能首先通过手机看看我们是否有某款商品,然后去商店购买。

Where is the consumer in terms of their ability to spend? Is it gonna be a better spending season?


We know the economy is a little tough but we are still very optimistic. We've seen that in good times and bad. The last thing parents got back on is that Christmas present for their child and even in debts or a recession. In 2008 or 2009, we still saw growth in our sales of Toys 'R'Us. So we expect that, when Christmas comes, they are gonna wanna buy that great Christmas present for their child.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
miracle ['mirəkl]


n. 奇迹

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

inexpensive [.inik'spensiv]


adj. 花费不多的,廉价的

distinguish [dis'tiŋgwiʃ]


vt. 区别,辨认,使显著

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做





