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  • It's Thursday,July 7th 2011,I'm Wilson Tang on and it's time to get loaded.
  • 今天是2011年6月30日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。
  • Yesterday Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a number of announcements related to the Facebook messaging and chatting platform.
  • 昨天,脸谱网首席执行官马克·扎克伯格公布了一系列脸谱网信息和聊天平台的相关信息。
  • The big news is that the social network is partnering with the video converting giant Skype.
  • 这一头条消息就是脸谱社交网路和视频软件巨头Skype展开合作了。
  • Users will now be able to initiate a video chat with their friends via their profile pages or the chat window.
  • 用户现在可以通过个人页面或聊天窗口和好友视频通话。
  • In addition, the chat widget now displays your friends that you actually message regularly, and now Facebook chat supports group chat as well.
  • 另外,这一应用上还会显示经常和你互通消息的好友,脸谱网的这款应用还支持群组聊天。
  • Amazon is stepping up its cloud music efforts to compete with Google and Apple.
  • 亚马逊展示了云音乐的功能,并和谷歌苹果公司展开竞争。
  • The company announced that for $20 a year, users will receive unlimited storage space for their MP3 and AAC music files.
  • 亚马逊宣布,用户只需每年交付20美金,就可拥有无限储存空间来储存MP3和AAC音乐文件。
  • The offer is for a limited time though, but in comparison Apple's Itunes music match service will only allow users to back up 20,000 non-itune songs for 24.99 a year.
  • 虽然存放时间是有限制的,但相比之下,苹果的Itunes Match音乐服务每年收取24.99美金的费用,用户只能存放2万首非itune歌曲。
  • Additionally, Amazon has released a cloud player for the Ipad.
  • 另外,亚马逊还发布了专用于iPad的云音乐应用。
  • Spotify, the popular European assuming music service has officially announced that it'll be launching in the U.S. soon.
  • 欧洲盛行的音乐服务Spotify正式宣布,近期将在美国发售。
  • While the company had offered few details about the out-coming service, it does confirm what many have been speculating for months now.
  • 虽然这家公司对未来提供的这项服务只提供了很少细节,但他们肯定了许多外界流传了几个月的信息。
  • Spotify is reportedly in negotiation with the top four major music record companies to license music in the United States.
  • 据报道,Spotify和4家顶级的音乐唱片公司合作,使其音乐能够在美国上市。
  • Civilization, the popular PC gaming series that focused on building a nation into a world power
  • 大受欢迎的游戏系列《文明》的剧情是要玩家建造一个国家并逐渐使它成为世界强国,
  • is now entering the world of social media gaming in the form of civilization world.
  • 现在游戏《文明》融入到了社交媒体游戏界,走进了真实的文明世界。
  • The new game is more social than ever before by forcing gamers to partner with individual players they may not even know.
  • 这款新型的游戏社交性更强,它将要求玩家们组队,甚至是和完全不认识的人组队。
  • Civ-world as it's known will be free initially on Facebook, but there are opportunities to purchase civ bucks which can be spent on virtual resources.
  • 游戏的开始部分可供用户在脸谱网上免费试玩,但剧情往后发展用户需要选择是否用虚拟货币购买游戏。
  • Most Mac users have given up on the ability to play blue-ray disc,
  • 大多数Mac用户都已经放弃了使用蓝光光盘的权利,
  • but now a third party developer Mac-go released a new media player called Mac blue ray player that promises for blue ray support.
  • 但现在第三方开发者Mac-go发布了一款名叫Mac blue ray的全新媒体播放器。它将为用户提供蓝光功能。
  • Users will have to buy a third party blue-ray drive, the Mac blue-ray player comes in a 33 month trial version, but a full license will cost you $39.95.
  • 用户需要购买第三方蓝光驱动器,Mac蓝光播放器,这款播放器将试用33个月,完整版售价为39.95美元。
  • The highly anticipated Motorola Droit 3 finally has an official release date and price.
  • 备受瞩目的摩托罗拉Droit 3最终确定发售日期及价格。
  • Verizon wireless customers can now purchase the phone for $199 with a two-year contract on July,14.
  • 7月14日,威瑞森公司的无线用户可以以199美元的价格购买这款手机,并附带两年的话费套餐。
  • The Droit 3 still features the slide-out qwerty keyboard but comes with a larger 4-inch screen,
  • 这款Droit 3仍是滑盖,传统键盘的设计,但配有全新4英寸屏幕,
  • the smart phone will run Android 2.3 Gingerbread, features a dual-core processor, 16 gigabytes of internal memory and an 8-megapixel of camera with 1080p video capture,
  • 这款智能手机将运行安卓2.3系统,配有双核处理器,16G存储量和8百万像素摄像头,1080p视频捕捉,
  • but doesn't support Verizon's 4G LTE service.
  • 但不支持威瑞森的LTE服务。
  • Those are your headlines for today, I'm Wilson Tang for and you've just been loaded.
  • 以上就是今天的头条,我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。感谢您的收看。


It's Thursday,July 7th 2011,I'm Wilson Tang on and it's time to get loaded.

今天是2011年6月30日,周四。我是Cnet.comWilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。

Yesterday Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a number of announcements related to the Facebook messaging and chatting platform. The big news is that the social network is partnering with the video converting giant Skype. Users will now be able to initiate a video chat with their friends via their profile pages or the chat window. In addition, the chat widget now displays your friends that you actually message regularly, and now Facebook chat supports group chat as well.


Amazon is stepping up its cloud music efforts to compete with Google and Apple. The company announced that for $20 a year, users will receive unlimited storage space for their MP3 and AAC music files. The offer is for a limited time though, but in comparison Apple's Itunes music match service will only allow users to back up 20,000 non-itune songs for 24.99 a year. Additionally, Amazon has released a cloud player for the Ipad.

亚马逊展示了云音乐的功能,并和谷歌苹果公司展开竞争。亚马逊宣布,用户只需每年交付20美金,就可拥有无限储存空间来储存MP3和AAC音乐文件。虽然存放时间是有限制的,但相比之下,苹果的Itunes Match音乐服务每年收取24.99美金的费用,用户只能存放2万首非itune歌曲。另外,亚马逊还发布了专用于iPad的云音乐应用。

Spotify, the popular European assuming music service has officially announced that it'll be launching in the U.S. soon. While the company had offered few details about the out-coming service, it does confirm what many have been speculating for months now. Spotify is reportedly in negotiation with the top four major music record companies to license music in the United States.


Civilization, the popular PC gaming series that focused on building a nation into a world power is now entering the world of social media gaming in the form of civilization world. The new game is more social than ever before by forcing gamers to partner with individual players they may not even know. Civ-world as it's known will be free initially on Facebook, but there are opportunities to purchase civ bucks which can be spent on virtual resources.


Most Mac users have given up on the ability to play blue-ray disc, but now a third party developer Mac-go released a new media player called Mac blue ray player that promises for blue ray support. Users will have to buy a third party blue-ray drive, the Mac blue-ray player comes in a 33 month trial version, but a full license will cost you $39.95.

大多数Mac用户都已经放弃了使用蓝光光盘的权利,但现在第三方开发者Mac-go发布了一款名叫Mac blue ray的全新媒体播放器。它将为用户提供蓝光功能。用户需要购买第三方蓝光驱动器,Mac蓝光播放器,这款播放器将试用33个月,完整版售价为39.95美元。

The highly anticipated Motorola Droit 3 finally has an official release date and price. Verizon wireless customers can now purchase the phone for $199 with a two-year contract on July,14.

备受瞩目的摩托罗拉Droit 3最终确定发售日期及价格。7月14日,威瑞森公司的无线用户可以以199美元的价格购买这款手机,并附带两年的话费套餐。

The Droit 3 still features the slide-out qwerty keyboard but comes with a larger 4-inch screen, the smart phone will run Android 2.3 Gingerbread, features a dual-core processor, 16 gigabytes of internal memory and an 8-megapixel of camera with 1080p video capture, but doesn't support Verizon's 4G LTE service.

这款Droit 3仍是滑盖,传统键盘的设计,但配有全新4英寸屏幕,这款智能手机将运行安卓2.3系统,配有双核处理器,16G存储量和8百万像素摄像头,1080p视频捕捉,但不支持威瑞森的LTE服务。

Those are your headlines for today, I'm Wilson Tang for and you've just been loaded.

以上就是今天的头条,我是Cnet.comWilson Tang。感谢您的收看。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

anticipated [æn'tisipeit]


adj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲





