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  • It's wednesday, Feb. 2nd. I'm Mark Licea. It's time to get loaded.
  • 今天是2月2日,周三,我是Mark Licea。是时候了解最新鲜的资讯了。
  • News Corp's iPad exclusive newspaper is being shown today. It's called The Daily.
  • 新闻集团的iPad电子报纸The Daily今天面世。
  • And at the time of this filming we don't know much.
  • 新闻集团并未透露有关这一项目的太多信息。
  • It does have a website, although the focus of this newspaper is to be optimized for the iPad.
  • 虽然The Daily有自己的网站,但这份报纸的重点在于iPad版本电子报纸,而这对于iPad产品来说是好事。
  • The Daily will have 6 sections with original content every day.
  • The Daily有六个板块,每天向读者提供丰富的原创内容。
  • We hear that readers can subscribe for 99 cents a week.
  • 读者每周花99美分订阅杂志。
  • We will fill you in on the rest tomorrow.
  • 明天我们还将会向您报到详细的信息。
  • It seems like internet access is back up in Egypt.
  • 埃及恢复了网络供应。
  • Five days ago the country disconnected itself from the web, but Egyptian websites that were unreachable before now seemed to be up in running.
  • 五天前,这个国家的所有用户都失去了网络连接,但在断网之前埃及网络运营一切正常。
  • Two of the country's largest telecommunication carriers are now accessible online,
  • 虽然1月24日网站进行了大规模更新,
  • and the website of the Egyptian parliament is working, although the site's last update was on January 24th.
  • 但埃及两家最大通讯运营商和埃及议会的网络可用。
  • Bloggers from the Egyptian Twitter Oddy also confirmed that the web, along with Blackberries and mobile services are back on.
  • 虽然埃及大规模“失联”,但Twitter用户仍能发微博,黑莓和手机通讯已经恢复。
  • Google Maps 5.1 for Android will now let you to check into a location using latitude.
  • 谷歌地图5.1安卓版可以显示用户所处维度。
  • Latitude is a Google service that shares your location with friends.
  • 谷歌纬度是谷歌提供的一项可以和朋友分享所处方位的应用,
  • Now Android users have the option to get reminders to check into a place once latitude finds where you are.
  • 现在安卓的用户可以通过这款应用检查自己到过的地方。
  • You can also set it to check into specific places automatically, and Latitude will also check you out automatically once you leave.
  • 你也可以设置自动显示所在地点,谷歌纬度还能自动记录你居住过的地方。
  • You can, of course, customize privacy settings to control who sees your info.
  • 当然,你能够设置哪些人可以看到你的这些信息以保护隐私。
  • Comcast and Time Warner announced the deal that lets you to stream live cable TV content onto your mobile devices.
  • 康卡斯特和时代华纳公司宣布将合作在移动产品上推出在线电视服务。
  • Smart phones, PCs and the iPads will support the service, and networks like CNN, HLN, Turner Classic Movies and the Cartoon Network will be included.
  • 智能手机,电脑,iPad将支持该服务,该服务将囊括CNN ,HLN,Turner经典电影和Cartoon Network。
  • The deal is an add-on to the paid TV Everywhere service that lets Cable subscribers watch on the main content.
  • 该服务基于现在普遍的付费电视服务,用户只要付费就可以享受对应的电视服务。
  • Live TV Streaming will just be a new feature.
  • 移动电视是未来的发展趋势。
  • Comcast's streaming service,X-finity TV also updated their iPad apps that let you watch movies and TV shows on the tablet.
  • 康卡斯特的移动服务X-finity电视还升级了iPad版本的应用,这样你就可以再平板电脑上看电影电视。
  • HBO Stars, ShowTime and CinemaX are on board.
  • 现在已经有HBO Stars,ShowTime,CinemaX三个有线电视网络。
  • Google Street View is taking you to the museum.
  • 谷歌街景带你走进博物馆。
  • The service is called Art Project, and lets you view from several museums across the world.
  • 这是一项名叫Art Project的服务,它能让你通过网络参观世界各地的博物馆。
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and The National Gallery in London are just a few, and there are 17 museums total.
  • 纽约的大都会艺术博物馆,伦敦的国家美术馆只是其中一小部分,这项服务总共有17家博物馆。
  • You can walk through the halls or choose to learn more about a particular art piece that strikes your interest.
  • 你能够穿过走廊,了解你感兴趣的艺术品的信息。
  • Right now over 1,000 images of artwork are available, and Google plans to add more museums and artworks to the project.
  • 现在,这项应用中有超过1千件艺术品的图片,谷歌计划向改服务中加入更多的博物馆和艺术作品信息。
  • And Flickr made a big booboo.
  • 网络相簿Flickr出现大纰漏。
  • According to a photo blog in Zurich, the site which is owned by Yahoo, accidentally deleted his paid account by mistake, removing his 4,000 photos.
  • 苏黎世一家网络相册有消息称,雅虎旗下的网络相册误删付费用户的4千张照片。
  • And now the site says they can get them back.
  • 现在网站方面表示能够恢复图片。
  • Luckily he says the original files are saved, but all links pointing to Flickr blog are now dead.
  • 幸运的是原先的文件都保存过,但用户链接都丢失了。
  • The company responded saying that they would restore his account, and add 4-year a free pro to make up for their error.
  • 雅虎回应将恢复这些丢失用户,并免除这些用户未来4年的费用。
  • I think Yahoo can probably do better than that.
  • 也许雅虎也许能做得更好。
  • That's your news for the day. I'm Mark Licea,, and you've just been loaded.
  • 这些就是今天的新闻。我是Cnet.com的Mark Licea, 感谢您的收看。


It's wednesday, Feb. 2nd. I'm Mark Licea. It's time to get loaded.

今天是2月2日,周三,我是Mark Licea。是时候了解最新鲜的资讯了。

News Corp's iPad exclusive newspaper is being shown today. It's called The Daily. And at the time of this filming we don't know much. It does have a website, although the focus of this newspaper is to be optimized for the iPad. The Daily will have 6 sections with original content every day. We hear that readers can subscribe for 99 cents a week. We will fill you in on the rest tomorrow.

新闻集团的iPad电子报纸The Daily今天面世。新闻集团并未透露有关这一项目的太多信息。虽然The Daily有自己的网站,但这份报纸的重点在于iPad版本电子报纸,而这对于iPad产品来说是好事。The Daily有六个板块,每天向读者提供丰富的原创内容。读者每周花99美分订阅杂志。明天我们还将会向您报到详细的信息。

It seems like internet access is back up in Egypt. Five days ago the country disconnected itself from the web, but Egyptian websites that were unreachable before now seemed to be up in running. Two of the country's largest telecommunication carriers are now accessible online, and the website of the Egyptian parliament is working, although the site's last update was on January 24th. Bloggers from the Egyptian Twitter Oddy also confirmed that the web, along with Blackberries and mobile services are back on.


Google Maps 5.1 for Android will now let you to check into a location using latitude. Latitude is a Google service that shares your location with friends. Now Android users have the option to get reminders to check into a place once latitude finds where you are. You can also set it to check into specific places automatically, and Latitude will also check you out automatically once you leave. You can, of course, customize privacy settings to control who sees your info.


Comcast and Time Warner announced the deal that lets you to stream live cable TV content onto your mobile devices. Smart phones, PCs and the iPads will support the service, and networks like CNN ,HLN, Turner Classic Movies and the Cartoon Network will be included. The deal is an add-on to the paid TV Everywhere service that lets Cable subscribers watch on the main content. Live TV Streaming will just be a new feature. Comcast's streaming service, X-finity TV also updated their iPad apps that let you watch movies and TV shows on the tablet. HBO Stars, ShowTime and CinemaX are on board.

康卡斯特和时代华纳公司宣布将合作在移动产品上推出在线电视服务。智能手机,电脑,iPad将支持该服务,该服务将囊括CNN ,HLN,Turner经典电影和Cartoon Network。该服务基于现在普遍的付费电视服务,用户只要付费就可以享受对应的电视服务。移动电视是未来的发展趋势。康卡斯特的移动服务X-finity电视还升级了iPad版本的应用,这样你就可以再平板电脑上看电影电视。现在已经有HBO Stars,ShowTime,CinemaX三个有线电视网络。

Google Street View is taking you to the museum. The service is called Art Project, and lets you view from several museums across the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and The National Gallery in London are just a few, and there are 17 museums total. You can walk through the halls or choose to learn more about a particular art piece that strikes your interest. Right now over 1,000 images of artwork are available, and Google plans to add more museums and artworks to the project.

谷歌街景带你走进博物馆。这是一项名叫Art Project的服务,它能让你通过网络参观世界各地的博物馆。纽约的大都会艺术博物馆,伦敦的国家美术馆只是其中一小部分,这项服务总共有17家博物馆。你能够穿过走廊,了解你感兴趣的艺术品的信息。现在,这项应用中有超过1千件艺术品的图片,谷歌计划向改服务中加入更多的博物馆和艺术作品信息。

And Flickr made a big booboo. According to a photo blog in Zurich, the site which is owned by Yahoo, accidentally deleted his paid account by mistake, removing his 4,000 photos. And now the site says they can get them back. Luckily he says the original files are saved, but all links pointing to Flickr blog are now dead. The company responded saying that they would restore his account, and add 4-year a free pro to make up for their error. I think Yahoo can probably do better than that.


That's your news for the day. I'm Mark Licea,, and you've just been loaded.

这些就是今天的新闻。我是Cnet.com的Mark Licea, 感谢您的收看。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
metropolitan [.metrə'pɔlitən]


n. 大都市的居民,大主教
adj. 大都市的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

update [ʌp'deit]


v. 更新,补充最新资料
n. 更新

option ['ɔpʃən]


n. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权
v. 给予选

restore [ri'stɔ:]


vt. 恢复,修复,使复原





